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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. sigs are fine unless someone links 3 youtube videos or spams other shit in there. But location should be limited to maybe 200 characters max incase someone thinks its funny to copy paste some story in there and then you have to scroll for like 5 minutes to skip their post.
  2. ez11

    CSGO Kek

    wtf wasnt muffins CBA like a week ago?
  3. Actually wanted to go pk with them on my zerker that im currently leveling but then i realised its only 91 range/80hp atm but has a high combat level because i have 99 mage I can get like 99 range 87 hp and only get 2cb levels
  4. ez11

    Fruity NMZ

    Just use a rockcake (make sure to NOT have prayflicking active) and it should work. Atleast it works for me (im starting the script insinde nmz and dont have it reenter)
  5. ez11

    Fruity NMZ

    Script simply doesnt flick rapid heal prayer. Probably because of the new prayers added with the new update
  6. when its winter and cold outside you turn the heating up in your room so it gets warm and then it gets too warm and you turn the heating down again, but you dont really focus on how warm it is so your room ends up being to cold and then you have to turn the heating up again and it gets to warm again and then you keep repeating this the entire day
  7. lmao on the Q&A stream they basically hinted that they were able to get 100k+ points per person. No surprise im getting 5k worth of junk with my 2k points or whatever i had
  8. Hes just talking shit to gain attention. Just the normal thing greynames usually do
  9. 0 claws traded on ge so far... And you surely dont get d claws for 60m when even that elder maul got sold for 250m
  10. yeah but did they not expect people to die a lot? like you cannot get out of the final boss room once you went in lol
  11. idk they said that it scales with total party size and more people = better but noone knew what to do and we all just suicided a shitton
  12. got fucking 5k worth of herbs and coal for fucking 2 hours of running around in a raid with 50 people
  13. 0 bans. not unusal for me tho
  14. just bot p2p stuff. A LOT less bans
  15. I read the thing on the left side as REAUST Gold tbh. The LI behind the D from gold look like a U
  16. at what age does it become acceptable for someone to watch porn?
  17. New big RS update. Potential for insane profits/exp. Overall pretty hyped new content. Who do you think is gonna be the first scripter to get a Raids Script on the SDN? Will it be one of the usual suspects, will a developer decide to take on the challenge to make a raids script in addition to updating OSBot or will it be a newcomer? BTW sorry if i didnt add all scripters and you feel left out. I just mainly took all the ones that released scripts on the SDN in the recent time
  18. Pretty sure they usually just start a 2day ban when you login the next day so you get the full punishment. Keep in mind they do 2day bans only for mains that botted once to stop themn from botting again
  19. Its just fucking annoying that jagex cant fix their own client so that i dont have reinstall it every few updates and change my fucking date format everytime i have to install it
  20. the game looks like shit with it lol Honestly if jagex releases ingamemap/spec orb(or always show specbar)/better exp bar and a better world hopper I wouldnt even use OSBuddy and it shitty overlayscape lol
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