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Posts posted by Twin

  1. In short, I want to be able to accept a trade when someone sends it. Is there any way to do this without using onMessage?


    Thanks QwPha8E.png

    I've never used this before, but just from looking at the api http://osbot.org/api/ in the trade section, it looks like it will be something like:

    if(trade.getTheirOffers() == itemYouWant)

    Although i'm not sure what geetTheirOffers returns, so I don't know howt o check it.


  2. I'm not looking for a job but I can give you advice on buying/selling world of warcraft gold if you're looking to get into that business. I've learned a few tricks to help reduce bans. I'll fill out the application anyway.


    What game are you looking to share your knowledge of? : World of Warcraft Services/RWT
    How long have you been in the black marketing scene of this game? : 3 or so years
    What level/rank are you in this game? : I have 4 level 100s and i'm currently 10/10H in the current raid. When HFC releases I have a mythic group for progression ready.
    Do you have any unique RWT methods that might help us out in this game (Not required) ? : Yes, I know a few tricks in order to reduce bans when selling/buying gold.

    • Like 1
  3. I will be able to offer up to 60 viewers with custom chat messages of your choice, or no chat messages. My rates will be discussed either over skype or pm, but expect it to be around a dollar an hour. I can offer up to a 15 minute trial just so you know what to expect.



    • Up to 60 viewers at a time
    • Custom chat messages of your choice/No chat at all
    • Can add up to 200 followers to your stream, this will be a different rate depending on how many you want


    • Payment will be in rsgp/paypal
    • 1$/hour unless otherwise specified in our discussion

    Order Form

    1. Amount of viewers:
    2. How many hours:
    3. Payment method:
    4. Skype:
    5. Do you agree to the ToS?:

    Terms of service

    1. You will pay upfront
    2. If the viewers drop randomly, you will be refunded for the time that the viewers were not in your stream, but I will keep the amount from the time they were in your stream
    3. If your twitch account receives a ban for this I am not to be held responsible
    4. I have the right to decline anyone from the service
    5. I hold the right to stop the service at anytime, and refund you for the amount that the bots were not in your stream(say you paid for 5 hours and I need to stop it at 3, you will be refunded for 2 hours of time)



  4. Well... for me it seems to work just fine lol


    As for the interaction. This widget doesn't seem to support that. So you could just use widget.hover(), mouse.click(true) and check if the menu (there's a menu api) is open, if it's open use menu.selectAction("action").

    Just from looking at the code, isn't this just the script not having a sleep timer? I feel like if you added a sleep timer right before it checks for the widget, it would go through it.

     case SMITH:
    RS2Widget menu = widgets.get(311,6);            	
    RS2Object furnace = objects.closest(FURNACE_ID);               
                    if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()&&menu==null) {
                        if (furnace != null) {
                           log("smelting 1 complete");
                    	if (menu != null){
                    		log("menu detected");
                    		menu.interact("Smelt X");
                    		log("menu interacted");
                    		keyboard.typeString(""+28, true);
  5. read it, but make it spaced out more. was an eyesore reading that.

    anyways, i'd get the hell out of the pool for 10.50 an hour tbh. can't you ask to be assigned somewhere safer? 10.50 an hour isn't high enough for the risk. (at least for me) 

    if you were working at a pool with hot ass, wouldn't you be worried you would be poppin' monster hard -ons 24/7 ? like what if you had to go save someone, you'd be poking them with your pork sword


    I mean you could just have a little self control. Not everyone is still in their "damn i can see some skin on tits" boner phase.

    • Like 1
  6. I only tried west dragons, I don't like east :)

    Though, just theoretically, would it be practical to have a ring of wealth tele for east, bank at GE, use the agility shortcut and then go to wildy to the green dragons? as optional

    I mean, I could but, since glorys are still messed up I'd rather get those fixed then have 2 broken things.

  7. I see, but I always babysit my bots biggrin.png

    So feel free to sign me up for a trial, I'll provide you some feedback etc.! smile.png


    You have it now :) Sorry about taking so long, just frustrated with how much time i've put into this for it to still be semi broken.

  8. Aye, but though it is broken, it still functions quite decently if babysitted smile.png

    Note: this is all on mirror mode

    on my 85/85/85 nub, it takes me about 15-17 minutes per full run, including looting bag




    25 green dhide + 25 dbones per 15-17 minutes


    let's round that off to 20 minutes: that'd be 75 green dhide + 75 dbone per hour = 112.5+206.5k=about 320k/hr in money






    The path the script takes to the green dragons is nice, it makes good use of the non-multi cb area monsters in wildy in my opinion


    Though it accurately kills dragons, it often glitches a little when looting. On the first run of the script, looting bag works well. After the first trip, it no longer works, and it will only fill your inventory. An easy fix is to restart the bot manually whenever you bank.


    This is neccesary anyhow as the banking of the items inside the looting bag doesn't seem to function. Rather than using the deposit all function, it instead deposits all of either dragon bones or dhides and then hovers until I manually move it past that.



    You mentioned earlier in this thread that you wanted to know how it handled taking ammy's of glory out of the bank.

    I tested it with ammy of glory (4)'s and (6)'s, it wouldn't take either out of the bank, so that functionality is currently broken.

    This leads to minor issues when the bot returns to the green dragons and then tries to teleport back to edge.

    Though it has a functionality to run back, it won't always auto-engage this function.


    When someone with ancients attacks you, the reaction is fast, but not too fast. It teles away smoothtly.

    When someone with teleblock attacks you, it will run through the dark wizards to try to escape.

    Though this works well, it won't always log/hop properly afterwards, resulting in the pker often catching up anyhow.




    Though it definitely is not safe to use this bot without babysitting it fairly heavily, I can easily run this for 3-4 hours in a row when studying, as long as I keep restarting the bot after each run.

    It makes a nice profit/hr, and the xp/hr isn't bad either.


    Side note: it seems to automatically take my extended anti-dragonfire potions out of my bank whenever it goes on a run. It uses 1 dose per run, so 1 pot lasts 4 runs smile.png




    I also worry a little about the patterns, I started recognizing the pattern the bot takes after about an hour of 3 of babysitting.




    Would it perhaps be possible to add support for super cb pots? That'd be awesome smile.png

    Thanks for the feedback! The osbot path generator will randomly pick a certain position within the given coordinate. So like if it's to walk to x1 and y1, it might choose x3 and y1. In my little side project I did with yew trees and all that, I was messing around with some ways to randomly generate a path.


    Were you using east dragons or west dragons? I think east dragons need some work. The code is just really really cluttered so that's sort of a reason why I want to rewrite it. I also added some basic antiban(not sure if you noticed or not) so the camera doesn't stay in one position. It will move it up, down, left or right, and then sometimes move the mouse.


  9. I've been working work 10 year in construction, I daily work with these machines.

    This is so fake ...


    If you even hit a sawblade for 1/50 of a second you'll cut yourself.

    i've seen shit happen, en this kind of stuff is impossible ... xD



    In my highschool we had a table saw that was a sawstop on it and some kid triggered it. Gave him a little tiny paper cut, where otherwise he would have cut off his entire finger tip.



    • Like 1
  10. But its a matter of unplugging the router and my IP is changed right?

    Also my main got busted in 2013 for 2 days and I've botted 1-99 fletch with it, still no sign of a ban :/


    The ban from 2013 expired. They only last a year i'm pretty sure. And yeah, if you can unplug your router to change your ip do it. That will help a ton.

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