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Posts posted by Twin

  1. I prefer it to be similar to one of my current logos in my signature, circular and really basic. It doesn't need anyhting special and you shouldn't have to spend more than 15 minutes on it. I just want a white background with a cannon/cannnonball in the center with text on the top that says Twins, then across the cent and bottom that says Cannonball Smither.



    Like that but not autistic looking.

  2. Can someone else why this is so hard like im curious hear about this a lot, isint it just like a database search.


    What? I think hr was asking how to make it mine iron rocks with different ids, but he didn't know that it took more than one int.

  3. iron ore has more than one object id, how do i find the closest object from multiple ids?

    also how do i check if the player is mining or not, and whether or not i finished mining?


    Entity iron = objects.closest(id1,id2,id3,id4);




    • Like 1
  4. So, I have this map (warning super large ass image) and I want to be able to get the world position given a position on this map and vice versa. I have some data however I cannot get any equation to do so.


    Data points:

    The world position (3218, 3218) is the point (2468, 2010) on the map.

    The world position (2662, 3294) is the point (1358, 1861) on the map.


    Is there any equation to get the correct position?


    Thanks QwPha8E.png


    I'm confused what you're asking, sorry. Are you saying that the position ingame is 3218,3218, and then on the map it's 2468,2010?


    Hi there. I ve got a raw script. but i dont know how to run it. Maybe i need to compile it? Could somebody help me with that?

    heres script (prayer potion drinker. i ve just copied it from the forum biggrin.png)

    public void drinkPotion() throws InterruptedException {
    if (containsPotion() == true) {
    if (client.getSkills().getCurrentLevel(Skill.PRAYER) <= 12) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    if (client.getInventory().interactWithName(
    "Prayer potion(" + i + ")", "Drink")) {
    sleep(random(600, 900));
    public boolean containsPotion() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    if (client.getInventory().contains("Prayer potion(" + i + ")")) {
    return true;
    return false;


    you need to put that into the onLoop of the script skeleton then compile it. But I didn't take the time to go through and see if that actually works.


    is it hard to learn the OSBOT API?

    No, it should only take an afternoon. Learning what you can do with it though takes a lot longer.

  6. Yeah I do have a basic understanding of Java I'm just looking for an introduction to scripting/the osbot api and what's available to me.


    How familiar are you with java? Because all you should really need to do is read over the api and read apaecs state tutorial. It's pretty much like english





    like it's how you would expect it to sound inn english.


  7. Well.. Scammer deserves to be banned from the community. Money that was sent for nothing should be disputed. But if scammer has successfully completed trades in the past the money is his, and chargeback in that case would be a fraud. So kek.


    Not saying I justify this, but he shut off a ton of vps's that people spent a bit of money on. I feel like that's at least a fair trade.

    • Like 1
  8. If you're looking to make a service, or sell pre-made accounts, many people like all types of accounts. I've never seen someone sell a defense pure on here though, even though they're so easy to make. I personally can't do fire capes at all, so I'd buy a fire cape if I needed one for 5M tops, as they're not worth 10M+ like others charge.


    I'm pretty sure Fire capes are only like 5m tops on here.


  9. I would likely start from the basics, this means scripting basics not Java basics (but I'm sure I will teach some of this along the way). As the series progresses I would get into more intermediate advanced topics as well. This is all just an idea at this point but I think it would be fun to make and useful for others.


    Something like that would have helped me a ton when I first started with scripting. I'll defiantly check it out if you decide to release it.


  10. Total rewrite is starting tomorrow. I spent my dad today learning how to do node framework. I wrote a simple cannonball script in it to test it out, and I can assure you this script will be amazing after I do the rewrite.

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