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Posts posted by Twin

  1. Did you stop the script manually, or did it stop on its own?


    Those errors are most likely harmless and they shouldn't stop the script.


    my bad i should have went into more detail. It ran for about 100 lobsters, so m aybe 45 or so minutes. And then it was just standing in front of a fishing spot not doing anything spamming my console with those errors. And I stopped it manually. It ran for about 2 hours total

  2. yeah probably shouldnt have let it afk..


    [ERROR][bot #1][01/17 05:31:32 PM]: Error in script executor!
        at com.czar.a.aUX.J(z:8)
        at com.czar.a.aUX.G(z:162)
        at com.czar.nUL.onLoop(c:122)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(uk:172)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/17 05:32:46 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fisher...
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/17 05:32:46 PM]: / // PerfectFisher terminated
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/17 05:32:46 PM]: / // Fish caught: 104.
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/17 05:32:46 PM]: Script Perfect Fisher has exited!
    [ERROR][bot #1][01/17 05:32:46 PM]: Error drawing canvas!
        at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeyIterator.next(Unknown Source)
        at org.osbot.rs07.canvas.WrappedCanvas.drawScreen(jg:133)
        at org.osbot.rs07.canvas.WrappedCanvas.getGraphics(jg:6)
        at client.l(client.java:1000)
        at eb.pf(eb.java:229)
        at eb.run(eb.java:180)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/17 05:32:55 PM]: Applet resize : (775, 513)

    caught about 100 fish before that


  3. Any proggies guys? The last update is pushed. It's working for me currently @ lumbridge shrimps. Tested at catherby lobster fishing and fishing guild sharks, works flawlessly!


    will go to catherby now and see how well its running. afk for 2 hours, will report back by then. im running for about an hour then a 30 minute break

  4. Version 1.14


    - Fixed bait for people not using it


    Last update guys, after this it actually will work flawlessly. I can't see anything else bad after this update. smile.png


    EDIT: Cardell when did this happen, I added Lobster pot to the non-banking list yesterday and it's still banking it?


    when will this be back on the SDN?

  5. It's stopping the script and logging out saying it doesn't have feathers/bait. This is when trying to catch lobsters in catherby

    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:47 PM]: / / My fish set to [Raw lobster]
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:48 PM]: / / My spot set to [CATHERBY_CAGE]
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:50 PM]: / / Keeping other fish (e.g. tuna when fishing for swordfish, trout when fishing for salmon)
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:50 PM]: / ---------- ready ----------
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:50 PM]: / User doesn't have bait/feathers, stopping script
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/16 05:39:52 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fisher...
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:52 PM]: / // PerfectFisher terminated
    [DEBUG][bot #1][01/16 05:39:52 PM]: / // Fish caught: 1.
    [iNFO][bot #1][01/16 05:39:52 PM]: Script Perfect Fisher has exited!

  6. EDIT: If you want to bank lobsters, you must wait until the update gets pushed today sad.png Otherwise just powerfish them. Don't worry version 1.12 will be updated today.


    Currently it's still gettting shrimp. I've noticed that when it's dropping fish it will usually miss a few. Is this intentional? I figured it was because I heard that if you drop items to fast and accurately, it flags your account. No complaints so far.

    • Like 1
  7. Recently I've been watching a lot of Anime such as Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, etc. And I was wondering -


    What is everyone's favorite Anime series? (If you can narrow it down to one).


    Mine would be AOT as of now. smile.png



    Attack on titan

    Sword Art Online

    Kill la Kill


    Those would be my main 3.

    What's AOT?


    Attack on Titan, Its basicly a show where Humans live inside a wall and their are big creatures outside the walls that want to eat humans. It's one of the better recent animes.

  8. I've been running 3 accounts on 2 different computers and all 3 on different proxys, and I went to go log them on for their normal hours and they were all banned. One was a 2 day ban but the others had previous bans on them, so they were permd. All 3 of these bots were doing different scripts, one was motherlode mine, one was fishing, and one was thieving. All 3 were banned on the same day at the same time leading me to beleive their new bot wathc program which they said to be working on is a lot stronger than were assuming it to be.



  9. Try buying a gift voucher.


    Yeah that's what I ended u doing to buy a script that had a monthly fee. One of my accs got banned so im going to lay off botting for a bit. probably will get vip in 2 weeks or so when the ban lifts.

  10. it might be because vip is a monthly charge


    Ahh hadn't thought about that. From what I read though running more than one bot at once can be really risky so I'm probably going to stay away from that.

  11. I bought a script earlier today, and when I tried purchasing vip so I could run more than one account, it wouldn't work. paypal wouldn't let me buy it. I have money on my paypal, enough to definatly cover 10 dollars. anyone else have this issue?

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