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Posts posted by Twin

  1. i am still here waiting to test auth me when rdy ill get u 24+hour proggy when its working good as i said last time i never ran it though because i was waiting for you to put in pk support


    That's all in here now, pk support and teleblock support. Just waiting for it to push.

  2.             1. Pictures of the account stats


    Stats crossed out do not affect account value

    2. Pictures of the login details


     3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)


     4. Pictures of the quests completed

    To lazy to get these all on imgur, it has 56qp, and heros quest done. 






      5. The price you will be starting bids at


     6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account


     7. The methods of payment you are accepting

    07 only          

     8. Your trading conditions

    I will go first unless I deem you trusted, otherwise we can use a middleman.

    9. Account status


      10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

    I am the original owner. The account has a username login, but I own the email tied to it, and actually I think you can have the current one, i'll need to check though.

  3. So when is it recommended to change the heatsink, built the pc around 4 months ago 


    Whenever you get a new one. If you never change it from the stock one, you really won't need to reapply it unless you're doing some crazy overclocking, in which case you should probably have something that isn't a stock heatsink.

  4. Unless you have a separate thread, no. It's the order of execution, how else would you be able to call code before it is even reached? We could have walking events accept break parameters, however I'm not sure if I want to create even more API which I have to maintain in the long run.


    That's what I thought, i've just never really needed to get out of the bot walking until just now. It's honestly not a huge deal, I just thought there might be some easy way to do it that I was missing.

  5. So i've never had this issue before, or maybe I haven't noticed it, but while local walker is walking, nothing can happen besides it finishing it's destination. For example, in my script, eating is the top priority, but, no matter where it's at, it will not eat until the script finishes walking. Is there anyway to kind of break out of local walker so it can do something such as eat?

    • Like 1
  6. Im really looking forward to this script, willing to test it out!


    PM me if you need me. cool.png


    Currently working on this, finally got the motivation. Going to fix a few issues, and I also added some stability changes.


    Okay, looks like every issue people have brought up is fixed. I'll push the update and hand out trials again.


    Lootingbag rework will come tomorrow, everything else is working! Will hand out trials.


    Trials are all out now, just waiting for the update to be pushed.

  7. Whats the status on this?



    how do i order it?



    This script looks nice, I'd love to test it.

    Haven't had much time recently, going to try and get this all into working order tonight before I go on vacation for two weeks so you guys can try it out and have something to usee :)

  8. sometimes wont walk after it passed the wildy ditch


    I think some of these might be mirror mode related. Because When I tested it I didn't have issues similar to this, the only one I had was the looting bag issue which would happen only if it tried to attack another dragon while putting stuff in the looting bag. I'm doing my programming final right now, but once I finish it i'll clean the code up to try and fix some of these issues.


  9. I can verify the above, only ran it for about 10 minutes total, had the exact same thing happen to me.


    Tried again, and it turned out that the support for the looting bag is a bit off. It won't add anything to the bag, due to there being a conversation once you have more than 2 bones/hides in your inv.

    Note: I only see like, lvl 40-50ers at green dragons though, I'm 98...Could be part of the reason why it's weird.


    I'll check properly tomorrow, as I don't have much time for testing atm smile.png, but I will get back to you


    Mirror Mode Testing:


    I started the script from edgeville bank, tried this multiple times, it runs to the dragons (west) and once it reaches the dragons, it starts attacking them, however, in the debug it still says (moving to dragons or something*) and then at some point it will say (attcking a dragon) and will run back to edgeville bank, and eventually bug out at the wilderness wall ohmy.png

    Hmm, I'll need to mess around with that. I added in teleblocked support and I think that's what messed up everything besides the looting bag. I think if I delete that it should work fine. I'll have to mess around with it. Thanks for the feedback. smile.png


    Oh and all that text in the log was just to debug for me, that shouldn't matter to much unless it says walking to dragons and it refuses to kill a dragon after that.


    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;

    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;

    import java.awt.*;

    @ScriptManifest(name = "Cow Killer", author = "programer", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "")

    public class CowKiller extends Script {

    private String message;


    public void onStart() {

    //Code here will execute before the loop is started



    public void onExit() {

    //Code here will execute after the script ends



    public int onLoop() {

    for(NPC n : npcs.getAll())


    if(n != null)

    message = n.getName() + ", " + n.getId();



    return 100; //The amount of time in milliseconds before the loop starts over



    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {

    //This is where you will put your code for paint(s)



  11. Looking to test this out. Would appreciate an auth smile.png.




    Does anyone have any feedback with how this is running? Curious on what the user input is so I don't release a broken/shitty script.

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