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Posts posted by Twin

  1. So finally I got hit with a 2 day ban (I think) with Frost Barrows, will Jagex monitor your account after the ban is lifted? 


    Most likely, yes. They will also most likely start watching the ip the accounts got banned on too.

  2. Ahh yes that


    Regular looting should be fine. I just need to make it wait for the dragon to die and get its loot so it doesn't run off, then run back to get the loot.


    I'll get that sorted out soon. I'm currently working on another script, but it's more or less to test out antiban features. i maanged to run it 20 hours on a level 3 f2p, so I'm going to include it into this script soon.

  3. I would say make it so that the bot doesn't deposit bones and hides after every single kill, makes it slower, and this time add's up eventually. If you could fix that it would be great biggrin.png


    Are you talking about the looting bag? Because I still need to fix that.


  4. i thought u were making 3000$ a day from selling vps's and proxies? what happened to that? im not a rocket scientist but im pretty sure 40$ in 1 day is less than 3000$ in one day


    In his defense, this was just off a bot farm. He never stated his other sources of income.

  5. No way this was ultra!!! I would expect that performance on low or medium. The new gtx 980ti barely gets those framerates on ultra with msaa.

    You'll be able to power a 4k display fine for desktop and movies. As for gaming, you probably won't be able to do much past simple games (or AAA games on low) at 4k.

    Ps, cpu doesn't do shit past an i5 in gaming performance. In rendering, that's a different story.



    Oh and that's 1440p. Which is like... 2.5/4K


    The games it tested were like 5 or 6 years old. I have no clue of the settings they were ran on as the article didn't say.


    I don't know who benchmarks a game and plays on the lowest settings though.

  6. This may only be a mirror only issue, since I haven't tried it on the regular client. When it's time for the script to world hop, it goes to the world hop menu, but then just get's stuck once it's in that menu and breaks the entire script. The cursor always hovers over 11. S5GEvpE.png

    else if (TREEAREA.contains(myPlayer())) 
    				whatWereDoing = "Changing worlds";
    				return State.WORLDHOP;
    //more code than just what's above, I just cut all the rest out. It doesn't reach anywheeree else because whatWereDoing doesn't change.
    	case WORLDHOP:
    			if (f2p) {
    			if (p2p) {
  7. Wouldn't be hard to make myself, but I figure this might benefit others. I just was thinking about how people can get banned by using absolute coordinates with autohotkey, so maybe they can see mouse movements and all that. My idea is to change dropping so it goes like so:




    Instead of like:



    It might not be worth it, but the top column would at least make it look like someone is using auto hot key to drop.

    • Like 1
  8. Is motherlode or this better? in terms of profit + exp


    Exp you'll be better off with this script. Unless this script supports runite mining and banking, then motherlode mine will be better for money.

    • Like 1
  9. are those dawns, vst plugins, or sound packs


    They're by Native Instruments, and you can find sound packs for them, either paid or for free. Once you figure out how to use them though (maybe 2 hours of watching tutorials on youtube) you can get pretty much any sound out of them.

  10. could you explain your drawMinimapPosition and drawTitleIngame methods? 


    The first one will highlight the current path it's walking on the minimap, the second one will put a white box around whatever the bot is interacting with.


    I don't think I ever actually used it in this though, I just had the methods there that I copy/pasted from other scripts.

  11. No need for anything other than a stock cpu cooler if you don't plan on overclocking. Same with the graphics card, and even then, even with stock coolers you can increase your gpu speeds by 5% or so.


    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kyJrsY Something like that? You can look up benchmarks on the gpu and see if that's something you'd want. I have the same powersupply as I put in there and it's been going great so far. I've had it for about 6 months. Only complaint is it's not fully modular.

    • Like 1
  12. that's pretty cool, would it be much more profitable with karamja gloves?

    I think karamja gloves only let you sell things for more. Bronze bars are only like 12gp, and 5 bronze knives are 200gp, so it's 188gp profit a smith no matter what.

    might just be me but i read this as karambit knife slaughter xD

    I read your comment as karambawn knife smither. GG. If you wanna pass a kata but my way though I wouldn't complain ;). :doge:

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