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Lifetime Sponsor
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Everything posted by Anomaly

  1. edit: what's each barrows act pulling an hr/ and bans lately?
  2. No, start with 1 method and move to 2 or 3, but you need low bans to scale or full auto or a lot of time....
  3. don't make 2m/yr by being a chump
  4. Focus on a daily goal of a set amount. When you reach it consistently, increase the daily goal marginally. That's how you scale properly
  5. Will buy all - Skype = Gizablow
  6. Aight, why not 8700k and yeah 64gb ram forsure, i can't decide If AMD or Intel is better for botting Botting + some PubG and homework yeah bro lemme go hop in my lambo real quick pcpartpicker i'd rather have a car lease... oh wait, no I'd rather have neither. lel
  7. Ideas? Will add a lot more content when I'm back- Budget isn't a factor, but im not gonne be SLI 2 1080 TI's or something Focused on a lot of clients EDIT got this so far https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/g92qYr
  8. If you are willing to come up to market price on gold, Skype = Gizablow
  9. You can make individual offers on these acc's one has no bans other is 2 day <- 83 range not 90
  10. this is so mis-leading. Put BTC in your title lol
  11. Disputed Member:@m2mage All Skype contact with the individual:
  12. I didnt receive the add request until just now, haven't been afk
  13. Hey Skype = Gizablow or find me in the chatbox
  14. Anomaly


    Will buy all - Skype = Gizablow Added on dc as well
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