Added a massive refactor to how scripts function and load. Now scripts will see areas and positions as the name instead of positions/coords
Added an automatic script converter to convert older scripts to the newer format.
Added a sleepMoving and disable camera option to #interactWith, #interactWithNPCNotUnderAttack, #interactWithContainingAction, #interactWithNPCWithinArea in NPC
Added a sleepMoving and disable camera option to #interactWith, #interactWithContainingAction, #interactWithRS2ObjectWithinArea, #interactWithAtPosition in RS2Object
Added a sleepMoving and disable camera option to #interactWith in Player
Added a sleepMoving and disable camera option to #interactWith, #interactWithContainingName, #interactWithContainingAction, #interactWithGroundItemWithinArea in GroundItem
Added #interactWithContainingName to NPC
Fixed a lot of performance issues
Minor fixes