I keep running into an issue, Ive not managed to see it happen but this is the third time that the script shut its self down, i cant see any issues in my inventory that would narrow down the issue. otherwise im loving the script!
Absolutely love the script! I have noticed some quests were set up for safe spotting, Is there a list of the safe spot quests? Im only really asking for MM now as im hoping run it later but wanted to check first, Thanks
Quests: Death plateau Druidic ritual Dwarf cannon Fight arena Haunted mine Lost city Mountain daughter Shades of Mort'ton Tree gnome village Troll stronghold Waterfall What lies below + a couple of f2p Items: Dragon Defender Beserker ring (i) Abyssal tenticle All hand trained Thanks
Lets see your pets guys and gals! I know this might come across as a bit of a strange request but i am a HUGE animal lover and im lucky enough to work with a variety of them and i was curious how many animal lovers we have here... Here is a few of mine
1. Pictures of the account stats
2. Pictures of the login details
3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)
4. Pictures of the quests completed Basic NMZ quests and Animal Magnetism
5. The price you will be starting bids at 50m
6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account N/A
7. The methods of payment you are accepting OSRS gp (currently dont have verified paypal)
8. Your trading conditions MM
9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am 00 and fake email used SOLD: 90M Dieze