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Everything posted by Birdaking

  1. VIP enables you to run unlimited bots and gives you access to Mirror mode and a small selection of free scripts, Worth every penny
  2. More entertaining than Barry Scott
  3. i MIGHT be tempted into selling No special quests just basic nmz ones
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/178-other/ Is a good place to start =]
  5. You're just pretending it was a joke to see how we would all take you admitting your sexual desires
  6. Now that would be amusing and annoying very fast
  7. https://gyazo.com/4133ad5efdb21d14385b986d9eb0c487 quests; rune mysteries vampire slayer death plateau fight arena haunted mine lost city priest in peril tree gnome village waterfall what lies below Just a quick pc please guys =]
  8. 20+ years ago Ive had this song in my head all week so had to share it
  9. Always good to see fresh faces =]
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