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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure - trial started Apa
  2. Hey, Thanks for your custom I don't actually have a thieving script (other than chest thiever if this is the one you mean?) - maybe you're thinking of a different script? Apa Hey, Unfortunately I don't do private scripts. Sorry about that Apa
  3. Ah, that's annoying. There's nothing I can do about this really, it's not to do with the script and as such is out of my control. I'll let the developers know that this has issue is still occurring though. Apa
  4. Apaec

    APA Rune Sudoku

    Should be working well. I was planning to implement the switch to the OSRS exchange API today, and I will also do a general healthcheck of the script to double check that every feature is working as expected. IAmBackBois flagged an issue with the brightness manager so I will be taking a look at that as well. Apa
  5. Have you considered botting at SandCrabs instead? They're much better exp/h ! Both trials started Apa
  6. Hey, I do have discord, but I rarely use it. I'd suggest if you want to get in touch, drop a reply here or alternatively you can send me a PM Apa
  7. Here's a useful site if you haven't already seen it http://www.itemdb.biz/
  8. Thanks for your custom If you run into any issues, don't hesitate to let me know. Best Apa
  9. Sure - trial activated Apa
  10. Have you tried with the latest dev build? This should fix any outstanding issues. Apa
  11. Certainly, trial activated. Enjoy! Apa
  12. Hmm, I always thought players would log out over going AFK (which is what the OSBot break system is designed to simulate). Either way, logging out or going AFK probably have no difference on ban rates. I think it's much more down to how you use the script, (timing and frequency etc) I'd recommend giving this thread a quick read if you haven't already! https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/ -Apa Sure - trial started Apa
  13. Sure - trial started Apa
  14. Hey, Please try the latest Dev build which I linked in the above post - this should fix the file access permission issues which are causing the JOptionPanes not to show up. Best Apa
  15. Sure - 24h trial started Apa
  16. You're constructing a new ConditionalSleep, but never using it so ofcourse it isn't working! You're going to need the call sleep method: ConditionalSleep awaitShop = new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(4000, 8000)) { @Override public boolean condition() { return store.isOpen(); } }; if (shop.interact("Trade") && awaitShop.sleep()) { log("hi!"); }
  17. Hey, I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean - you want the script to stop running at random times? If so, i'm not really sure how or why this would help prevent bans; if anything, surely this would just look less authentic to other players and would waste valuable botting time? Apa
  18. Trial activated Have you considered botting at Sand Crabs instead? They're much better exp/h and I also have a script for them which i'd be happy to give you a trial of! Apa
  19. Sure - trial started Apa
  20. Apaec

    APA Rune Sudoku

    Ah, thanks for letting me know about this. I didn't remove the profit counter, but I just had a look at the code and it looks like the API I was using to retrieve item prices (RSBuddy exchange) is no longer live, so I guess the price retrieval is failing and hence not showing. I've made a note of this and will switch the script over to the official OSRS Exchange API when I get back (I am away from home at the moment). -Apa
  21. Apaec

    APA Rune Sudoku

    Hi, Yes - I always investigate any issues users may have. I'm sorry the script hasn't been smooth so far - for some background information, the script uses colour values read off the screen to recognise the different rune positions. As a result, it requires a fixed brightness level which it sets before the script starts. From what you've said, it seems the script is failing at this stage? I'm not sure why this would be unless the interface has changed (I will look into this), but for now please try setting the brightness level to maximum manually as per the instructions on the front page of this thread. Please let me know if this sorts your issue, and get in touch if you have any further questions -Apa
  22. Hey, Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like to add this in future, the only problem is that on waterbirth the spawns are in single combat zones. This, combined with the fact that wandering crabs have no id attributable to their spawn position, means it is a difficult task to automate. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, for some reason I was unfollowed from this thread so I didn't get a notification. Apa
  23. Sure - trial started Apa Hmm, that's odd - after it inputs the value the first time, it should select the previous amount option from the right click menu. What is it that you're making? I'll take a look Apa
  24. @Stormtrooper @theboss3433 @notabot Hi all, Please try this latest dev build client (https://osbot.org/forum/topic/155607-dev-build-osbot-2553/). This should fix any issues with the startup interfaces. Best Apa
  25. The basics are not too bad, you can get quite far with just basic committing and branching. I'd suggest doing it from the command line instead of using any git clients or embedded things. Maybe do some experiments with a dummy project first though! GL & let me know if you have any questions Apa
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