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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Heya, perhaps. I might ask a few people to test it once the bot client is up to scratch.. for now I guess we are all waiting on the devs to fix up all the issues. Thanks for the offer though!
  2. Looks good! Did you manage to make it work with colourpicker in the osb2 api?
  3. Before buying, please ensure you check-out with the correct script. Swapping scripts is not possible. View in store $4,99 for lifetime use - Link to Sand Crabs script thread (better exp/h!) - Requirements: Camelot tabs / runes in main tab of bank Designated food in main tab of bank ~ 20-30+ combat level Features: CLI Support! (new!) Supports Ranged & Melee Attractive & fully customisable GUI Attractive & Informative paint Supports any food Custom cursor On-screen paint path and position debugging Supports [Str/Super Str/Combat/Super combat/Ranged/Attack/Super attack] Potions Collects ammo if using ranged Stops when out of [ammo/food/potions] or if something goes wrong Supports tabs / runes for banking Option to hop if bot detects cannon Global cannon detection Option to hop if there are more than X players Refreshes rock crab area when required Avoids market guards / hobgoblins (optional) Automatically loots caskets / clues / uncut diamonds Enables auto retaliate if you forgot to turn it on No slack time between combat Flawless path walking Advanced AntiBan (now built into client) Special attack support Screenshot button in paint GUI auto-save feature Dynamic signatures ...and more! How to start from CLI: You need a save file! Make sure you have previously run the script and saved a configuration through the startup interface (gui). Run with false parameters eg "abc" just so the script knows you don't want the gui loaded up and want to work with the save file! Example: java -jar "osbot 2.4.67.jar" -login apaec:password -bot username@[member=RuneScape].com:password:1234 -debug 5005 -script 421:abc Example GUI: Gallery: FAQ: Check out your own progress: http://ramyun.co.uk/rockcrab/YOUR_NAME_HERE.png Credits: @Dex for the amazing animated logo @Bobrocket for php & mysql enlightenment @Botre for inspiration @Baller for older gfx designs @liverare for the automated authing system
  4. Ah, seperate images. look @ the chins :p
  5. I can't tell, are they or are they not in sync Halp D:
  6. some finds LMAO #dota2 k enough lol i keep having to edit these Aight and heres the last one, edited ofcourse just let me know if these are too... inappropriate and i'll take em down :p
  7. Nice, is C4D free? I'm curious all these artists making cool shit, Looks cool
  8. As was stated by Notori earlier, we're working with a new client, so therefore the scripts on the market are considered osbot 2 script rather than osbot 1 scripts. This means the only similarity between them is the name, which may well change as well. If you bought a climbing boots buyer script here for osbot 1, does that make you feel like you should own the climbing boot buyers on say T*bot as well? Because we're dealing with a new client here. OSB2 =/= OSB1. New client, new scripts, new market, new API. Only thing thats stayed the same is the word 'OSBot' in the name.
  9. This ^ Best way to achieve this is to get Super Script factory (available on the SDN) and write your own. That way ONLY you run the script. Also, use breaks.
  10. GroundItem x = this.groundItems.closest(xName); if (x != null && x.exists()) { ammo.interact("Take"); } works fine for me.
  11. You could always use a combat timer which relies on Animation. It is not ideal, but it does the job. Heres a snippet, using a timer class: top: Timer t; onstart: this.t = new Timer(0L); method: private void attackTimer() throws InterruptedException { if (this.myPlayer().isAnimating()) { t.reset(); } } And seeing as your onPaint is async you may aswell call it in your onPaint as it is refreshing all the time: @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { try { attackTimer(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } The idea behind this is so that you only attack another cow if t.getElapsed() > 1500 for example, as well as other conditions. This kinda method is handy for when you are safespotting something or using ranged or w/ever, where you can't use myplayer.isunderattack etc
  12. You dont seem to get that noone gives a shit & dont quote this, don't have time
  13. Whatever you say sire
  14. 'Your argument poor my friend I don't think you know what you're talking about unfortunately.' Mate you dont have to be botting on an acc for it to be banned. Doesnt mean he was running them all at once overnight Also he never stated he was botting them so i say again, Who said he was botting? :p
  15. You don't seem to understand english lol I didnt say he didnt bot them I said he didnt necessarily have multiple osbot accounts and bot them at the same time... & also i did not contradict myself, I suggested the alternative.
  16. Never assume. From what he posted, he didnt say he was or wasn't botting all the accounts, therefore you cannot jump to conclusions.
  17. Who said he was botting? :p
  18. Apaec

    Katarina OP

    Ugh dota is better x)
  19. So you're saying that staking against an account with a higher defence level than you by 15 levels will not affect your odds of winning? Because idk about you but thats bs
  20. lel mistype, My bad. Edited, thanks
  21. i'd say from past experience something like 60/80/1 is good @Jack made a very hady staking calculator, try a few stats maybe see what happens Calc can be found here: http://jackhallam.net/Utilities/SC/
  22. Looking good... now to port them
  23. Not sure what the need is for a new api/bot, imo woulda just been better and easier for all to update the current bot. either way, we'll see what happens.
  24. incase you didn't get notification
  25. much comic sans such beauty wow!
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