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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Try Realm of the mad god its good fun i guess or atleast it used to be
  2. Apaec


    ey interesting selection of gcses I did Maths - A* (100% ez) French - A* English Lang - A* English Lit - A Geography - A Chemistry- A* Physics - A* 100% ez Technology - A* Russian - A* Art - A* Biology - B (was on my birthday... lol...) So far you've had (correct me if im wrong) english lang french oral physics practical bio alternative to practical *flies away*
  3. im down 200k and thaqt was basically bank for me so noty staking never again
  4. hey i believe something went wrong with the 2.3.66 jar file. Alek should fix this shortly nothing i can do apa
  5. latest version 3.66 seems to have killed most scripts. I believe the devs are on the way to fixing it! (corrupt jar file or somehting) Apaec
  6. You now have a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  7. you can start the script anywhere, so long as it has a teleport in it's inventory.
  8. Sure just reply when you would like one.
  9. You now have a 24h trial. Enjoy!
  10. Restarting your client should fix this.
  11. just use localwalker to walk the path instead. localWalker.walkPath(path);
  12. Rectangle r = region.getBounds();
  13. Apaec

    GUI Help

    Probably neatest to have your entire GUI code in a seperate class. A simple way you can do it is using an actionlistener for your start button, reading the current options on the UI and assigning them to variables. Then directly statically (i know, ew, but ye) modifying the main classes set variables for that bot instance to reflect what was chosen in the UI. let me kno if i didnt answer ur question
  14. Wtf that wombat's cute... but what's she holding?
  15. Ehh I've done alot of stupid things in my time I once tried to a doubleback on my trampoline at home (trampette...) and landed on my neck, which i probably could have gotten disabled from / died, but alas being young.equals(noFear)...
  16. Please read the console where any errors / info will be logged. Most likely you've configured something incorrectly, so make sure u open the console and take a look as to what it tells you! Apaec
  17. Done you have 24h. Enjoy!
  18. Apaec


    I almost 100% swear it was chester zoo. Although it may have been a diff one close buy too lel, I cant remember I only remember seeing the price of the repair bill
  19. Apaec


    omg chester zoo is top qual Drove through the monkey enclosure a few years back and lost the numberplate and windscreen wipers to the critters lel
  20. I mean I see your point and to some extent I agree... but as a guy with 3 free scripts and 2 premium scripts, I have found that I hear nothing but shit about my free scripts with people complainin about them and whining etc, but never hear a single thank you when it's working well. I don't feel like writing more free scripts if people just leech off them and complain when they don't work. The reason I have a few premium scripts is not only because I want money or recognition - the more people using a script, potentially the more dangerous it is. When you buy a premium script, you should expect timely updates, good maintenance and a lower userbase. I wouldn't touch a free script with a 10 foot pole apa
  21. Apaec


    Ive seen worse atleast he didnt have to stick a chopstick up his ass and lick it that is what the last guy ended up doing
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