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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hmm, for now just disable worldhopping and try and start the script in a low pop world. i'll take a look when osbot is back up
  2. That's right, resizeable is coming out in 5 minutes! Yey Apa
  3. Sometimes for larger downloads they make it so that it uses much less of your bandwidth so that you can still easily use the internet while the download is going. For these larger downloads, go into the settings of the downloader and you should find options to change the upper limit of the download rate. Apa
  4. i've been running the script and I just can't seem to get it to go idle? What side are you using?
  5. Worldhopping is handled by the client, it's understandable that its experiencing errors as the worldswitcher was only recently released. But i'm sure it will become more stable soon. I'll take a look at this idle issue, but i've been running the script recently and cannot seem to recreate it lol :p apa
  6. Hi, thank you for your purchase What exactly are you having a problem with? Accessing the script itself? Setting up the script? how to run the script? Just let me know exactly what the problem is and i'll help you out as best I can! Apaec
  7. is this by any chance inspired by clockwork orange? xd
  8. Crisp and clean Nice work mate
  9. Are you running version 1.1? because if you are, then this shouldn't happen.
  10. As I said above I have fixed this issue in version 1.1
  11. Can you demon host on this even with monkey madness done? as in does monkey madness spawn as a boss in nmz apa
  12. PS Also added system which stops it from frequently opening the magic tab. It will still open the magic tab if it needs to though, for whatever reason.
  13. UPDATE! V1.1 Fixed error when the script logs out when it's not supposed to. Apaec
  14. Please inform us when you get it sorted. -apaec
  15. Is this not more suspicious? I mean I understand it may avert their rwt detection system... but no1 trades random valueless items for a large cashstack unless they are buying gold. However if you just transfer the gold it can be seen as just a gift. I guess a great way to get past this would be to spend the money on and item or items and trade those items over and resell them once they're on your main. This may lead to a small loss but Imo it would be safer than straight up trading gold over.
  16. Odd... where was it standing, and was there anything logged in the console? this hasn't happend to me when I was testing it recently. Perhaps you have configured something wrong? Apaec
  17. I can give you one last trial (i promise this one will be the last c: ), It should be active in 8 hours from now. Apaec
  18. Perhaps an issue with the worldhopping system. Is there any error being logged in the console below? For now just run it without the worldhopping system, hopefully I can get it fixed if it's being an issue. Apaec
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