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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. inventory NOT Inventory edit: you can also give urself more workspace in eclipse by closing the various tabs to the right (task list etc) apa
  2. Pretty much yea so for example with bank: bank.withdraw("rune boots"); //or whatever the item and inventory: inventory.dropAll("rune boots"); //or whatever the name of the item to drop apa
  3. It might be worth taking a look at some basic java. This will give you understanding of these kinds of things. public and boolean are what the method is defined by. But you want to use the name of the method to call it so it would be inventory.dropAllExcept(id); boolean tells you it returns true or false, much like if it said int it would return 1, 2, 3 etc. apa
  4. Done. But next time please use the format provided. apa
  5. Apaec


    my friends use e cigs
  6. That works too i have my method also built into my timer class I dislike java's duration and instant classes tho. your method does not format days though, but that would be easy to add. apa
  7. UPDATE! Version 1.02 Added failsafe so that if script gets lost in the house, it will log out and back in again, allowing it to re-enter and continue. Added failsafe to typing so that it works in the mirror client. script replaces all spaces in names with underscores which allows it to work in mirror mode. Updated trial system to, should it fail to enter by clicking the previous name the first time, type the name of the host manually the second time. Updated checks to ensure that script enters the house even if it has no bones when not walking, so that it never gets stuck where it shouldn't be Happy botting! apa
  8. Sometimes payments take a little while to go through. Perhaps wait an hour or 2. If it's not there after 2 hours, I suggest sending a private message to @Maldesto who will manually add the script for you. EDIT: if you paid with an e-cheque, they can sometimes take up to a week to be processed. You just have to be patient! Apaec
  9. public static String formatTimeDHMS(final long time) { final int sec = (int) (time / 1000), d = sec / 86400, h = sec / 3600 % 24, m = sec / 60 % 60, s = sec % 60; return (d < 10 ? "0" + d : d) + ":" + (h < 10 ? "0" + h : h) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" + s : s); } where time is in milliseconds. Implementation: g.drawString("Runtime: " + formatTimeDHMS(timer.getElapsed()), 100,100); where g = graphics2d and timer is your timer from the start of the script and getelapsed is a method from your timer class returning the time elapsed in millis This ill be formatted as: 00:00:00:00. d: h: m: s Apa
  10. Awesome, glad you like it ! And thank you for the review, very much appreciate it apa
  11. Looks good! Worldhopping is broken on mirror client. The devs are aware of this issue however they don't seem to be fixing it yet. I'm sure it will be working in the next client release tho! apa
  12. would love for only the height to be limited and the width to be unlimited. But i believe purchasing VIP extends these dimensions? not sure tho. apa
  13. Apaec


    , - ~ ~ ~ - , , ' ' , , , , , , , , , , , ' - , _ _ _ , '
  14. Done. Hope it lives up to your expectations apa
  15. I think you can stop the bot rendering the canvas which helps a little bit (cpu wise), but there's no percentage change options apa
  16. A similar issue (probably caused by same problem of tab, scroll wheel and spacebar not being registered) arises when using keyboard.typeString(String s); where s has a space in it eg: String s = "hello hello"; the script will type "hellohello" because space cannot be pressed apa
  17. They need to be strength potion (4). any other dosage doesn't work! you can decant them at the guy at the GE. apa
  18. Woahhh! awesome! thanks for the proggie mate! If you didn't know already, you can track your progress here: Have added it to front page screenshots list. Thanks! apa
  19. Nice ! I always prefer sticking with mage-range switch though, you can get much faster kills with lower levels x) apa
  20. Sorry I replied so late i'm glad you got it sorted and I hope the purchase turns out worthwhile apa
  21. Ofcourse, i've given you a 24h trial. Enjoy! apa
  22. Okay, no problem. I know the forums are experiencing alot of downtime recently so it would be unfair to brush this under the rug xD I've enabled another 6hour trial on your account. Hopefully it will live up to your expectations apa
  23. What does the script log in the console? there's always a reason for it to stop as it's running fine here for me. Just open up the console and take a look and hopefully that should fix your problem apa
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