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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. A valiant effort! A few things. The structure is acceptable but a little scrambled. You'd be better off just using if loops instead of playing around with enumerated state frameworks for such a simple activity. Secondly, it would be a good idea to put the string of the item you're interacting with as a variable at the top of your code so you can adjust it as a parameter in one place. Finally, i'd recommend instead of using static sleep durations such as sleep(random(x,y));, you use conditional sleeps which wait until the magic tab /inventory / spell selected or whatever to determine what stage of the alch you are in. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can add very small delays in-between, but I think the tick rate and network speed will account for atleast some randomness anyway. Other than that, looks like it gets the job done, and congrats on writing your first script! Pretty good! the next step is maybe a gui and/or paint! ~apa PS i'm a pretty tired out so sorry if something I said didn't make sense, too tired to proof read
  2. raising an eybrow is like the male version of females pouting
  3. Hey! Thanks for the screenshots. That should be everything I need to know (hopefully), unless there are any additional interfaces / interactions of any sort required. I will add it when I get home this evening. ~apa Update version 1.58 added support for cooking anglerfish (untested, please let me know if it does/doesn't work!)~apa
  4. Hey! does it log anything in the console? also, make sure if you're using a magic shortbow to make the spec percentage 60% (cus thats what it is!) ~apa
  5. thank you for the very detailed report - perfect! do you think it was refreshing the crabs, or attempting to hop worlds? I have a feeling it may be an issue with the client's worldhopping system potentially failing on mirror mode. For now, perhaps try running the script with worldhopping disabled. If this problem happens again (with hopping disabled), i'll take a look and see if I missed coverage for a particular situation (which seems unlikely as the script was thoroughly beta-tested!), but it can happen. Meanwhile, I'll have a poke around and see if I can find any other scripts and/or bug reports regarding worldhopping on the current client revisions. If you're super keen to use worldhopping, it should hopefuilly work well on the standard client (although I don't recommend doing that if you have access to mirror!) thanks again, and i'm sorry about this, hopefully we can resolve this soon! ~apa
  6. contact @Maldesto, he's able to fix this! (although, depending on your payment method, the transaction sometimes takes a little while to process.)
  7. Hey! Do you have any pictures? also, when you say arrow option off, you mean collect ammo disabled? (perhaps you could try with arrow collection enabled and see if it still does this). Also, do you mean 4/5 of the way back to the crabs when refreshing, or away from the crabs? ~apa
  8. It really depends on the situation, but often for huge trawling lists of things with very different names, writing them out individually is easier to follow. However in methods where it's often better to have things slightly more compact, for example int x,y; would probably be considered better than int x; int y;. But it's really preference haha! I feel i'm somewhat making a mountain out of a molehill but whatever ;) @senty nice script, im proud of your re-re-release
  9. cant get enough of this guy rofl
  10. I prefer the first one; much easier to read! (luckily line count isn't a problem)
  11. The script does no mixing or combining. Although it does cook the raw ingredients for tuna potatoes such as sweetcorn, tuna, potato etc If you're looking for a script that does the whole process, take a look here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90646-68-cook-req-tunapotatos-assemble-tuna-potatos-bake-potatos-cook-sweetcorn/ ~apa
  12. This script utilises the client integrated antiban - this ranges from random mouse movements to camera adjustments, pauses, fancy mouse moves etc. I've also added my own antiban which should very occasionally hover stats and open random tabs etc. This will NOT stop you from getting banned however. It's down to you to ensure that you secure your bot as much as you can. This means using a VPN, running the script on mirror, and botting for sensible lengths of time. As a scripter, there's suprisingly little I can do to prevent bans, and i've already done my best to try and reduce them! ~apa
  13. Requirements are 35 smithing and the dwarf cannon quest. You can make roughly 2100 cannonballs per hour (this is about 14k exp) Steel bars cost: ~640 gp Cannonballs cost: ~241 gp You get 4 cannonballs per bar, so 241*4 = 964 964 - 640 = 324 gp profit per bar. (2100/4) * 324gp = 170,100 gp/hour =~ 170k gp/h. ~apa
  14. Yep Recent client update broke it, i've been told to recompile the script (so i did). It should work hopefully within the next 6 hours. Hopefully any of the other locations (other than rogues den) will work in the mean time. apa
  15. seems like the devs just cut alot out of the api... i'll have to make some fixes will do that now apa
  16. You've got to find what works best for you. Cooking is actually a great one, although only worthwhile at higher levels. Smithing is also fantastic, (cannonballs, or even forging iron knives etc). Mining is also a great one, although again mainly at higher levels. Same for fishing. My recommendation is: try a bit of everything, see what works best for you and if you can, try and find a secret method and write a script to farm it! after all, if you write the script yourself you can fix your own bugs whenever you need, add new features, and you dont have to pay anyone to do it all for you ~apa
  17. Scripter 1 is there for a reason - it's a great platform to build your knowledge on. Besides, you can make completely reasonable and functional scripts without widgets. You've got to learn it somewhere!
  18. Wow... 24m cooking exp nice! looks like you've made some seriously amazing progress Although that progress bar is seriously embarrassing. I'll fix that now, lol EDIT: fixed (see below). ~apa UPDATE! version 2.1 Minor changes to gui text Stopped progress-bar light sabre (starwars is old aready) if you are 99 cooking. It should now aim for 200m exp should you already be 99. Please let me know if this works! apa
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