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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. 1. Ya that's correct, you get a lot more point for putting fish in the cannon than harpponing 3-4 times in a chance of getting exp. 2. Ya that's also correct, It will always fetch new tools if you lose any, that's the priority atm, but it should not get caught often by a wave unless it was right in the middle in between the mast or the totem traversring from beach to boat or vica versa 3. There is a chance it can missclick something by accident, that's always the case when botting..., but it will always untether after a few seconds. All you mentioned is intentional behaviour, if you don't feel statisfied you will be one of the very few. The script does exactly what it's supposed to do at this point
  2. No sorry, what would be the point of that anyway?
  3. You already have an expired triaI on thisI script
  4. Hyst download the new version from the website, right click open in new tab and it should resolve that issue (https://osbot.org/mvc/get)
  5. You probably turned the breakmanager off? They will always show when teh breakmanager is activated
  6. I will remove the north house zone as nobody uses them anyway + increase the range at the market, these were used a lot by clans but not anymore as the bank is a way better option now. Go to W302 at pickpocket knights in the ardy bank, people will always keep it there Or folow the Thievinghost CC, they rotate world often I thought most people knew about this already, I will add someting to the GUI for that
  7. 35k-45k/h is normal depending on what your levels and setup is. if you play tick perfect you can maybe get 70k, but I wish you a lot of luck with it
  8. My scripts stays updated all the moment but Bans can happen any moment on any account, there is no golden rule Some last for months, sometime with some bad luck you get reported or banned pretty quickly unfortunately
  9. Khal fighter updated to V1.12: - Possible to add teleports or runes to your inventory profile (used for traversing to bank or combat area) Live soon! Enjoy
  10. Nothing is lagging on the bot ...
  11. It should be fine, else it would not be here ^^ Restart the client, grab some screenshot and check the logger if it acts up for you and report it to me
  12. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Quest support - Varrock museum quiz - Eagles peak (Coming soon!) - Bird hunting - Crimson swift (Feldip hunter area, Isle of Souls) - Copper longtail (Isle of Souls, Kourend woodland, Piscatoris hunter area) - Cerulean twitch (Rellekka hunter area) - Tropical wagtail (Feldip hunter area) - Net Trapping - Swamp lizard (Haunted woods, Slepe) - Red salamander (Ouriana altar) - Tecu salamader (Varlamore) - Black salamders (Wilderness) - Deadfall trapping - Wild kebbit (Piscatoris hunter area) - Barb-tailed kebbit (Feldip hunter area) - Prickly kebbit (Piscatoris hunter area) - Sabre-toothed kebbit (Relekka hunter area) - Pyre fox (Varlamore) - Falconry - Spotted kebbit - Dark kebbit - Dashing kebbit - Box trapping - Ferret (Piscatoris hunter area) - Embertail jerboa (Varlamore East + West) - Grey chinchompa (Piscatoris hunter area, Ilse of Souls, Kourend woodland) - Red chinchompa (Feldip hunter area, Prifddinas, Private hunting ground) - Menu invokes (Stealth client only) - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 1225:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename DISCORDFILE= discordSettings Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot manager you do not need to specify '-script 1225'): -script 1225:TaskFile1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 1225:TaskFile1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 1225:TaskFile1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord, leave 2nd parameter empty)
  13. Added in V2.09! will be live soon Enjoy!
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