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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. 34 farming and 100% hosi favour indeed Enjoy!
  2. Enjoy the trial lemme know ^^
  3. it just deposits all loot at once, equip the rune axe or just bank the loot boxes ^^
  4. 1. Ya that's bcs the option you selected 2. In the end above 90%+ the priority always is depositng the points over runes, the only reason why it could deposit runes over points is if it wants to craft more essence. I guess there are some special cases it might be in another state, but will not change that as it works perfectly with low ban rates how it works. 3. Intended behaviour in the Huge mining portal, cna sometimes happen at the table
  5. Will have to check that out Thanks for letting me know!
  6. Don't think so as it overrides it
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