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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. It does withdraw that from the box indeed, Will see if I can make an UIM mode option for it
  2. Not my top priority as it's irrelevent for most things at this point. Will add something soon
  3. You already have an expired trial on this script Whatever works for you, a "best" is very objective nowadays
  4. I always use that option as hunders others and never seen that so it can def be somehting in the client not getting loaded correctly
  5. Restart your client if you see this happen Do you have burn remaining items option enabled?
  6. doesn't really matter what you pick tbh, only pouches increases exp/h
  7. Enjoy! Not sure what you mean by this, either have 70 agility or have the dusty key in your bank and it will add it to the inventory, unless your inventory was full at that point? Ya it's a work in progress
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