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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. If you use cheap ammo you could do that ... but you'll lose 2-4 times more ammo withotu ava Khaleesi
  2. True ! Thats how it goes ...
  3. Thats almost 190k/h ... xD That's great! ^^
  4. http://khal-scripts.com/signatures/khalblastfurnace/signature.png?user= Enter username behind "user=" Your will be: http://khal-scripts.com/signatures/khalblastfurnace/signature.png?user=scruffyryl Will make a guide in first post soon! Khaleesi
  5. Read first post. Read first post.
  6. some people do usefull stuff after school/work, some just waste time ...
  7. Sorry this was not my intention, I pushed it in a hurry xD Boss entered my office so I had to hurry ... Will remove it now Thx for the post! Khaleesi
  8. Ya I reworked a huge part of the logic... Seemed to be a major bottleneck in it ^^ If there is 1 thing I can't stand, its buggy prem scripts. So I try to keep everything running so smooth as possible. but that's quite hard on such a complex script if it gets released Khaleesi
  9. We can see that in your signature Enjoying the script? ^^
  10. Ow ok, will check it out! Script updated to V0.18: Uses "Pay" option on foremand now. Khaleesi
  11. Not sure if serious or trolling... There is a link to the store in the first post, still you prefer to take more time to ask instead of looking for it? patience is gold my friend, even though you didn't even had to wait 5 minutes you are already get annoyed? Link: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/424-khal-aio-runecrafter/ Khaleesi Are you referring to the osbot breaking system ?
  12. Wait 1 week after it. You should be safe then ^^ Since delayed banns can kick in within 1-4 days Out of personal experience ^^
  13. What name do you see left bottom if you on the client? Will be online in about an hour.
  14. Apparantly not, everybody got added EXCEPT you? xD Could be something to do with the "_" behind your name. Add me on skype, so I could check something. Khaleesi
  15. Did you ever run the script since 2 weeks ago? Can't find you in my database... Khaleesi
  16. So it does work in V2.3.65? hmm Then you'll need to give more details on whats going wrong... My private cooker works just fine, So guess a method divinity is using must have changed in the latest update, but only divinity can knows that ... So you or Divinity should can make a bug report of the issue with every detail possible It's not going to solve magically in the next update if nobody reports it ... Khaleesi
  17. Amazing! Will check out the "Pay" Option this evening. Should be even easier then Again sorry for the issue I caused! Khaleesi
  18. Script update to V0.08: - Updated camera movements for mining veins Should solve the miss clicking on wrong veins if they lined up. Can anybody let me know how this runs in a long period? Khaleesi
  19. Ow I see, Just message maldesto again... I gave you a 12 hour auth on the script. So you can use it in the meantime ! Don't forget to contact him Khaleesi
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