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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I fixed the swirdfish issue, Will take a look at the walking issue to the tendrils. Expect a update today You got 24 hours. enjoy!
  2. Try mine with mirror client, click siggy to request a free trial
  3. I don't think you're allowed to post pics of asses on OSBot Pretty much depends on how smooth the world is running, the better the world, the more you earn on using the coal bag. Normally you coud get a few hundred bars extra per hour using coal bag. My motherlode miner can help you get one of those Khaleesi
  4. Happens to me too from time to time, I reboot computer and it works Try that.
  5. Depends on what you steal Kidding aside, prices change a lot from day to day, you should try running both steel and mith and stick to whichever is more profit. Khaleesi
  6. Thanks, I feel proud of myself
  7. Read the first post. Trial* Yes, read the previous posts or the first one if you want a trial. Khaleesi
  8. That's like saying if you can't train your skills then just stop playing runescape all together. Quests aren't hard, just boring and time consuming, epecially if you need em done on multiple accounts.
  9. They actually said "go fk yourself"? Should report them to their bosses, gf de-modded.
  10. Your breaking the rules, what did you expect?
  11. Its not even stuck by the script ... People should learn the diference between script and client related bugs. script should rotate camera after 20-40 sec anyway. Khaleesi
  12. pic of clue reward or this didn't happen
  13. Why reveal my secrets? Me no like you anymore!
  14. You got a few hours, have fun!
  15. Run script > Refresh > Khal Agility
  16. Click run script > Refresh > Khal Pest Control Your trial has ended though, it's 6h per person to avoid people getting a full void set and never buying the script.
  17. Should've asked for a trial of his before buying, always do that on OSBot! You could always buy both Click my signature to request a free trial m8 Khaleesi
  18. That could be a good idea Will check out how difficult that is. Hmm awkward, will give it a look! Khaleesi
  19. Sure, you got 24 hours. Enjoy!
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