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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. The price calculation is a bit off at the moment, Shows less then it actually is. Add like 15-20% and you'll have the right profit/h. If you know how to play blast furnace you have the answers on all your questions... Bars made/h are based on the amount of people helping out with the tasks. I assume you are not using tasks aswell, so you are just leeching like the other 90%? You and the 90% leechers are basicly the reason why it's only +-700bars/h at some points... Sometimes it gets up to 1200-1400 bars made/h. W358 is full of leechers, which drops bars made/h signicifantly at some points. Since this is very depending on the users there is no straight line I can tell you how much profit it is. If nobody would do tasks, you would get 0 bars/h... so be happy other people do some of them. There are also private world running, where you can even reach 2k+ bars made/hour. Rune bars going up to 1 mill/h in those worlds. I should just force everybody to use 1 task atleast, but then I'll get flamed bya ll the leechers because the script isn't "leecher friendly". Anything else? Kind regards Khaleesi
  2. Cease tongue or I will have it ripped from your throat.
  3. Not sure if it has anything to do with breaking system. java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero This pops up when you are trying to do some calculation and divides by zero... Since you all know that dividing by zero isn't possible in normal mathematics ^^ So it's just a miscalculation while trying to get x,y coordinates for the mouseEvent I guess. Khaleesi
  4. Sure you can! You have 24 hours .. Enjoy!
  5. Are you running the newest version .68 of the client? I didn't had the change to test all rooftops with the newest client ... Khaleesi
  6. Ya but it doesn't work like that ... I did that before, but the client prevent us sometimes from walking if a widget is open. So for the stablity of the script I have to close the interface to not get stuck every 5 loops ... I totally understand your point, I might could force a left click on the minimap though... Will see about it This is an issue with the mirror client: GENERAL NOTE for MIRROR client: If using mirror client, don't login to the client before the mirror client gets hooked to it. Always login after the mirror client got hooked onto the base client. This prevent the mirror from failing to load data which is needed to run scripts well. Kind regards Khaleesi
  7. As soon as someone is so cool to lend me an account with 90+ agil I'll get the user a 14 day "trial" of the script as a reward ^^ Khaleesi
  8. Thank you! PS, @LeBron #1 Manager
  9. Awkward, will check out tomorrow after work first thing. Could do that, but al-kharid bank is the same distance ... which is currently supported Khaleesi
  10. Awesome, isn't it? My manager @LeBron found this awesome guy, you should definately send him a PM and ask him to update yours too. @Making Rice is the genius behind this.
  11. Never heard of missclicking? Shouldn't happen alot. Try lower the mouse speed or something ...
  12. inb4 banned from chatbox bcs offensive language xD
  13. I see what you mean, I'll have a look at it General note: Make sure to download the latest osbot version to work with the script ! Thx Khaleesi
  14. Updated script to V0.23: - Updated Poly course slightly. let me know if you are still ahving issues at polly Khaleesi
  15. ya ws reported to me, Will have a look in a second Khaleesi
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