The price calculation is a bit off at the moment, Shows less then it actually is.
Add like 15-20% and you'll have the right profit/h.
If you know how to play blast furnace you have the answers on all your questions...
Bars made/h are based on the amount of people helping out with the tasks.
I assume you are not using tasks aswell, so you are just leeching like the other 90%? You and the 90% leechers are basicly the reason why it's only +-700bars/h at some points... Sometimes it gets up to 1200-1400 bars made/h.
W358 is full of leechers, which drops bars made/h signicifantly at some points.
Since this is very depending on the users there is no straight line I can tell you how much profit it is.
If nobody would do tasks, you would get 0 bars/h... so be happy other people do some of them.
There are also private world running, where you can even reach 2k+ bars made/hour.
Rune bars going up to 1 mill/h in those worlds.
I should just force everybody to use 1 task atleast, but then I'll get flamed bya ll the leechers because the script isn't "leecher friendly".
Anything else?
Kind regards