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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Such an introduce! Welcome and enjoy Gecko!
  2. Script updated to V0.06: - resolved some issue by loading the script! Khaleesi
  3. Script updated to V0.59: - Updated script to work with the v2.3.86 client If you are having issues running the script, switch over to .86 client please:) Some more updates will folow soon! Khaleesi
  4. Link is broken.. Script updated to V0.26: - Updated script to work smooth with 2.3.86 client update. If anyone is having issue, try using the v2.3.86 client Khaleesi
  5. I'll take a look at firing the butler ... Seems to be an issue if you lagg a fair amount. I didn't change the core mechanics of the script. So should be no issue running it after the update. (I also tested it and it worked fine)
  6. Exactly! It's hard to write it perfeectly the first time though. but the more you learn about how to make it readable the easier it will get You'll find some way that fits with you and you'll be able to do lots of things a lot faster. Here is an example of my pestcontrol script:
  7. Script looks good for first attempt! Here is some feedback: Don't get demotivated by the feedback, it's just some points to improve. Always make your script readable... No matter what ^^ This is a small script and you won't have troubles finding code. (Atleast when writing it) Some of my scripts have over 30 classes in them. (Try to make it more readable by using multiple classes) If I wouldn't write it readable I wouldn't be able to modify/expand the script 1-2 months later. At the moment you know perfectly how it works, but it will fade away slowly Hope that helped ^^ Khaleesi
  8. That's very strange. I'll check it out You sure you selected strength exp and not attack? ;)
  9. OK will increase the waiting times
  10. I did evaulate the issue report lately. I've been working on some fixes for the issues. I'll have a fix online tomorrow I had a hectic previous week ... -_- Khaleesi
  11. Script updated to V0.11: - Fixed some issue by entering numbers when not needed. Khaleesi
  12. No idea, I don't change attack styles in the script... Was the attack style changed? -_-
  13. That's awkward, I'll take a look at it!
  14. If you are using mirror, make sure you do NOT login to the game before mirror mode is loaded. Khaleesi
  15. Well that's pretty awkward ... It's even working as you can see. Try upgrading your gear? Full iron with 45 hp will get killed fairly quick Let me know how it works now ^^ Khaleesi
  16. Everyone, For some people who think they can ask multiple trials on the same script, think again. Some people also love to send aggresive messages to me why I don't give them 48 hours instead of 24 hours. I treat everybody the same way, Only 1 trial/script/person is allowed. If I notice someone requesting the same script for a second time I'll be forced to give NO trials to that users anymore. EDIT: Messages about extended trials and such will be completely ignored from now on. Remember that a trial is only to TEST the script. Khaleesi
  17. Nothing will get pushed to SDN before the SDN manager takes a look at the code. We(Scripters) push our scripts to some kind of "buffer" SDN. The devs and script manager can see our updates inside this "buffer" Once he approves the release/update, he pushed it to SDN. That's why it can take severals hours to approve some updates Khaleesi
  18. it's lowers the exp/h slightly, but some anti patterns will be made in meantime
  19. Will add something for that. Thx for the report! I'll take a look at both issues.
  20. Type ::toggleroof in-game or go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Rooftop ON/OFF
  21. Script updated to V0.23: - Fixed issue with getting money when full inven Enjoy! Khaleesi
  22. I'm not sure what you trying to say here, explain? Make sure you are at fixed screen mode
  23. What you mean pots don't work? What happens when you choose to run with pots? Yes, read the first post ;-)
  24. hmm thats very strange ... Yes it does
  25. I don't this will speed up anything ... you are only going to get the opposite what you try to accomplisch with this. Patience is a great thing my friend.
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