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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. That's strange, I'll take a look when I'm home Thx for the report. Khaleesi
  2. I have no idea, client shouldn't freeze if no errors are showing ... Whats your setup? (GUI settings, inventory,...) Khaleesi
  3. around 75k/h at lvl 30 I believe
  4. Script updated to V0.08: - Fixed some client issue interacting furnace. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  5. Make sure you're using fixed screen.
  6. You don't need to download anything ... The script simply shows up in the "Main" tab of the script selector inside the client ^^ Khaleesi
  7. Post on my trial topic when you want the trial (Click my signature) Makes it easier for me and you ^^ Khaleesi
  8. Script update to v0.14: - Fixed several issue with talking to butler. - Re enters house now - Will now walk closer to butler instead of waiting. NOTE: Make sure to render house with doors open. Enjoy, I'll be test running this some more, might will be another update soon. Khaleesi
  9. Script updated to V0.02: - Updated issue with running to banks while looting armour. Enjoy! Khaleesi
  10. Script updated to V0.02: - Now proper attacks yaks with ranged - Drops junk which acidently got picked up Enjoy! Khaleesi
  11. Thanks! Post some proggies please
  12. Manually load the pouches the first time. I couldn't find the issue earlier... I'll take another look why this is happening! Soz for the delay. Ya it's a general issue, load thme manually first time please. Till I find some fix for it Uhm no that shouldn't be, the script is lifetime. Try pming a admin about this issue Khaleesi
  13. I'll take a look at that Khaleesi
  14. Hello, make sure the coal bag is in your inventory when you start the script Let me know if you have more issues. Can you fill in the bug report template provided in the first post? That way I can adress the issue immediatly Khaleesi
  15. Could be due the update yesterday. Make sure you downloaded the latest mirror client and try again Khaleesi
  16. Last time I checked botting was not allowed on runescape... Tutorial island has a fairly high bann rate. If you get 1 account banned your IP will be flagged, which means the folowing accounts will be even banned faster. I can't change the fact of your accounts getting banned Khaleesi
  17. Firts of all, this script needs no "Fixing" It's working fine as it should be. I can take a look for a special attack if thats really needed. If you want to report a bug of any use the bug report (provided in first post) template please... Kind regards Khaleesi POst on my trial topic please Check my signature ^^
  18. Yes, but not very well as bots cannot tell the temperture, when to stop pumping etc. Depends entirely on how fast the world is. If it's instant bars you'll get a lil over 1k/h bars with 1 agility (ish), with coal bag you'd get close to double that.
  19. Astrals - Yes Unnoted ess - No NPC Contact - Yes All pouches - Yes
  20. Script updated to V0.22: - Upgraded performace - Revamped paint Preview: Enjoy!
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