doesn't do that for me ... tested all boats and all possible scenarios.
Can you get me a printscreen and folow the bug report template?
Can't replicate issue atm ... get me some more info pls
I can add something for that indeed
Instead the devs should just fix the problem at the root (Interactions) instead off scripters having to add multiple failsafes to gets shit solved.
whut ?! Ya interactions on NPC's are awfull atm
I'll add in something for the collection box.
Script updated to V0.22:
- Added failsafe for collection box
- Added failsafe for report window off players
Should be life soon!
I'll take a nother look to that ;s
Should enter again. Will test tomorrow morning!
Ya interactions on the client are pretty sad atm
I hope they get updated very soon, nothing I can do about that atm.