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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You already have an expired trial on this script
  2. Enjoy! You already have an expired trial on this script
  3. just gotta wait for a mods to verify the post and verify your acc I guess
  4. You can do that, instead of using auto balance you can order the priority list and whateve ris higher gets priority over ther lower ones If you place all catalytics at top it will always do those instead (dw about putting bloods at top if you don;t have the reqs iit won't try to enter a rune type it if you do not have requirements, it will pick the elemental ome instead) Should give you a lot more control over what runes you want on your account
  5. Khal fighter updated to V1.15: - Fixed inventory issue with multiple potions - Added some special monsters handlers (Mogres, Rockslugss) Live soon! Enjoy!
  6. Glad to hear! Is there anyhtnig you would have done differently or what can be improved?
  7. Not really, doubt it would be very usefull to spend time on all of that for 2-10k and chance of dying a few times
  8. You should be using logs from the bank tbh, I rather remove the chopping mode over changing that it. No human would do that by hand to start with
  9. Pretty sur eveyr new account has these restrictions to counter spam and bots
  10. because all new account as jagex accounts, so you must use the jagex launcher. You can use the osbot client to patch the runelite launcher and launch osbot with it and still bot like normal
  11. No trials on this script, sorry!
  12. Khal figher updated to V1.14: - Fixed issues with Misc items and banking - Fixed error when banking with an old inventory profile - Added prayer flicking (Can be selected in the prayer profile) - Aded a bunch of new monsters and areas Live soon! Enjoy Not yet, will be included in one of the next updates
  13. Enjoy! Just tested and works fine, same for all the other scripts which share the same logic. Can you screenshot what is going on and what your settings are?
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