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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy! Will be added soon, same for stony basalt, client needs to have this added to the webwalker first. After that I will add it to the script Will check it out! I can take a look to add that
  2. Enjoy! You already have an expired trial on this script Enjoy!
  3. Never heard of that, running a few accounts with all pouches 24/7 myself Enjoy!
  4. Usually happends when there is connection issues or you are simply running more than 2 bots without VIP
  5. Enjoy! Enjoy! Not yet, maybe in the future Not yet, maybe in the future
  6. Updated in V2.55, I added some paint to show the fishing spots aswell and indeed somehow the game or client thinks there is fishing spots even when there are none visible. As far as I can see in the code I can't distinguish them from eachother, so i assume the client fails to refresh them or something. I did add a block for those spots if interaction fails so the bot won't try interaction with them again Thx for letting me know!
  7. It does block items that are not yours after trying to loot once, but no iron loot mode for now as there is no proper way ton check what npc/drops is yours. I will take a look at it soon
  8. Enjoy! Tree and fruit tree runs can act up a little bit atm, fix will done today/tomorrow
  9. Enjoy! Tree and fruit tree runs can act up a little bit atm, fix will done tomorrow
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