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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You got it now, sorry for late reply .. Stupid forum unfolowed me from ym topic again -_- Sorry for the late reply! Bug 1: Will check that one out Bug 2: I think I understood the problem, I'll take a closer look at this! Can you tell me if you were using mirror mode or regular? Khaleesi
  2. Just saying it is almost impossible to get a bann so quick if you never even botted on it and using non flagged ip's... Even while botting on flagged ip's I last longer then that. Might have been just unlucky... can't change that EDIT: Script update to V0.24: - Rewrote enabling run to custom method. Khaleesi
  3. The problem here isn't script related, sometimes data from the client is very slow in detecting. What I can do is slow down every action what has to do with converyor belt, this means it will slow down with EVERY action at the conveyor and I really don't want to do that ... -_- tl;dr To change the code, I'll have to hack osbot, hack the client, then adept the code that has been here for 3 years, then hack osbot again to upload the new client. Mission impossible ^ I'll take a closer look and see if there is anything I could do about it. It's an annoying issue indeed Should be fixed in latest client version Have fun Khaleesi
  4. You can let it spend on xp only. If you need the items, just let the script run and buy afterwards You can get 4000 points without buying anything since a month or 2 ago, so that shouldn't be a problem. So you will be able to run +-100h without buying anything ^^ Khaleesi
  5. Appreciated Sure, have fun! Khaleesi
  6. Enjoy Could be delayed banns... , 99% of the times you won't get banned so quick from using any script. or you IP was already flagged from previous accs, which gets you banned much quicker. Khaleesi
  7. Should run just fine without babysitting any error messages? did this happen multiple times? Khaleesi
  8. Sorry for the delayed answer. Mirorr should have less bann rate Nope there isn't, tried a shitload of stuff, just not possible. brawlers can't be detected properly in the client. They don't hold flagged tiles so pathing or attacking has no idea if it can attack or not. Script should NEVER attack a spinner if a brawler is close. Khaleesi
  9. Downloaded latest client verion and it shoud;work properly Khaleesi
  10. sure, keep in mind that the interaction is bugged in 2.4.9 Waiting for an update on the client to have it fixed Khaleesi
  11. Indeed, tested some courses myself and the interaction is totally broken in last version. Another bug report was made, hoping they get this fixed AGAIN ... Getting frustrating -_- Khaleesi
  12. Ya wait till Alek updates the client ... he basicly broke a lot of the interactions stuff... Getting mass bug reports about interaction issues on all my scripts atm. Khaleesi
  13. I check this out, seem slike ALek totaly fucked up interactions this times. it was bad before, but now it's outrageous... Looking to make my own right now Khaleesi If you can't use the bug report template I provided I can't help you but I'm probably guessing you didn't read ht efirst post so you also didn't notice: - Disable roofs ingame before start Let me know if this solved it Khaleesi
  14. I'll take a quick peak, probs very minor issue. EDIT: Script updated to V0.31: - Fixed issue with enabling run. Update should be live in few hours Enjoy! Khaleesi
  15. Can you get me a printscreen of where it stand and what the script status is? Using mirror? sure enjoy! Hmm that's strange, what's the script status? It just stand at the chest trying to bank? Possible to screenshot? Sure have fun!
  16. Because a regular butler has exactly the same or even higher profit/h then a demon DO some small calculation and watch both run and you'll see. I'll take a look at this Try to close your doors after your get the butler in the room, should help.
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