Thx, I can confirm it's a broken hook in the client.
The only thing I can do i wait for the devs to update this
I did make a bug report about this error
Lets hope for a quick fix
This error was also reported on some other scripts
Can you copy paste me the error? use the icon at top "copy to clipboard"
It has something to do with todays update, need to wait till osbot updates this issue.
the error has something to do with walking closer to something... even though I never walk to anything in the script
There is a icon at the top of the logger "copy to clipboard", then paste it in here.
was 3 weeks ago .. xD got fixed the day after you posted though ^^
Can you copy paste the log?
Can't do much with this ...
but as far as I can see that's a npe from the client.
copy paste me the log and I know what's wrong ^^
Ya runecrafting is still once of the highest profits ingame with fairly low reqs... pkrs also seems to love killing the poor bots for fun -_-
Told some friendsto go kills some of those pkrs... maybe it will get better
Can you tell me what issue you ran into? what could be improved specifically?
have fun!
awesome, thx
done, enjoy!
Yes it's one time
The inventory depends somewhat what ores you are making ... high lvl ores you should tyr to use enery pots ^^
Enjoy your trial !
awesome, you da best
Feel free to leave some reviews in the store about my scripts, I do reward pll for doing that
long trials or even free scripts will be given out ^^
Well the eating part is difficult, would have to rewrite my core of the script to add that.
but I can make it withdraw limited runes every now and then, if you die, u barely lose anything