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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Welcome @Snailex! Go have some fun
  2. Good advice, I'll use it to get some milk and poor it on the ceiling fan. if that doesn't work I'll mix some salty pll together with the milk to create an anti-salt potion. This can be used to reflect every salty comment back to its owner, in hope I get released from this bad ceiling fan! Better works!
  3. Better get me new instructions on how to fix my current situation ... -_-
  4. Instructions unclear, Got D*ck stuck in ceiling fan ... Too much salty people on the internet ^^
  5. Are you using pouches? Does the console log says anything? Whats the script status?
  6. Khaleesi


    You laughing with me or what? We can always change that @Jonny to Jonny I thought you loved me ...
  7. Trials are 12 hours and they are used to let someone try for a short time to see if the script works... If I could control the runtime I would terminate the script in trial mode after an hour, but we can't. Too many pll abusing this trials system.. You got another 12 hours for now ^^
  8. Don't lie to me ... You did use it Done
  9. You probably removed a "}" or some ")". Read everything again and see if you are not missing anything ^^ If you add me on skypee: khaleesi.bot I can take a look for you ^^
  10. Should never drop it, even when its in 2nd slot Thats correct: Script updated to V0.33: - Fixed maple tree powerchop Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  11. Ya I see, but this part is really poor switch (state) { case CHOP: new Chop(this); break; case DROP: new Drop(this); break; case IN_COMBAT: new InCombat(this); default: break; } bascily every 50 milliseconds you are making a new instance of Chop()... Why not create one ion onstart() and just do chop.run(); in your switch statement? Atleast that would solve the huge memory usage here
  12. You are creating new instances of those actions every loop ... Should only create one instance of it, best way to do this is in the onStart() method.. After that you can actually run those instances int he onLoop
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