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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Then you probably have wrong ores in your current dispenser, make sure to clean them out first. Feel free to add me to skype if you keep hacing the issue, so I can help you setup your account ^^ Khaleesi
  2. Empty the dispenser once yourself or try restart the client. Instead of opening 2 bots in the same client open 2 clients
  3. You need 100 posts in order to sell accounts. Wrong section aswell ..
  4. Cakes aren't added as food for now ...
  5. Make sure to use the correct names Chop-down -> Chop down
  6. Whats the script status? Can you get me a printscreen of get me all aditional info (check the bug report template) I don't see why why it would cause an issue to break while trying to walk .. but you never know
  7. Warned for spamming, Next time will be a chatbox bann
  8. It was trying to pick up bars when they were not cooled down yet if you had no ice gloves. Script updated to V0.34: - Fixed issue with ice gloves support Update will be online soon! Khaleesi
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