This previous post was over 2 weeks ago and pretty outdated bcs tons of changes have been in the past few days and even some pending until a new cleint version is released. Which will hold udpated to webwalker once again
- The teleports included are all working, they are all included in the webwalker
(If it did not use you teleport it found a better path or failed to calculate a path with it, report that to me and send me your settings file to I can replicate the issue with your settings)
- All patches in the script are reachable except for 1 due to a broken webwalker link.
(Giant seaweed patch being updated in the next client update)
- Banking can use some improvements and is being worked on,
but also depends a lot on what YOUR setup is and what step counter YOU entered on the GUI.
You should provide some details to what issue you ran into and grab a screenshot
as posting "yes, 100% my words" is a pretty useless to anyone at this point and doesn't help anyone. Neither the users nor the devs working on this.
Grab a screenshot when you notice something strange and send me your setup so I can replicate the exact same thing you are running into. You can easily do this on discord