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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. My shop buyer script will be online soon
  2. What does? a just "gets stuck" message here is kinda useless if you want any help Provide some more details: - screenshots when stuck - script status - Amy error logs? - Your setup and settings you are using
  3. Well you are most likely using auto balance points? If you want to get the best runes you should use the priority list but you will most likely create an unbalance if you only want it to do the best runes. Everything about focussing the rifts and rune types works perfectly and always has been like that, the script just does what the input is on the GUI Will check the npc contact issue asap, disable the option for now
  4. You already have an expired trial on this script
  5. It only uses them if it's better than the portal that's open, works just like intended
  6. Khal Magic (All in One) udpated to V1.43: - Added Arceuss demominc offering for all ashes Will be live soon! Enjoy
  7. I'm aware, but due to limitations in what I can check on pouches I'm not going to refactor this whole pouch thingy for now. ZMI is kinda dead content nowadays as there are tons of better options nowadays
  8. Simply don't use pouches until you have a way to fix them Enjoy!
  9. All good, doing some tests here aswell and still working on some refactors to wmoothen out the traversing around some more
  10. Sure you can, Enjoy!
  11. Please show the whole client, can't see much of what's going on there, which makes it kinda pointless for me. Also show the logger as it holds valuable info what it's trying to do, where is teleporting and where was it noting it in the end? EDIT: Tried all patches and noted them find in the farming guild for me, so I have no diea what it was even trying for you with the vid
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