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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. it would def be nice if you ahve both the log bsket and plank sack and if you are making them regularly though. Will ahve to get theose first then to check this
  2. Khal Thieving (All in one) updatd to V1.52: - Now also supports Rune pouch(i) Live soon! Enjoy
  3. Khal Guardians of the rift updatd to V1.28: - Now support Rune pouch(i) Live soon! Enjoy
  4. Khal runecrafter updated to V4.11: - Increased speed while trading with master/runner setup - Fixed issue with teleportinf with tiems selected Live soon! Enjoy
  5. it does support blue dragons in taverly, safespotting is a Work in progress. Hoping to get something released for that soon
  6. Will have to check it out, it's not going to be a big difference if you are going to chop them yourself % wise. But will check it
  7. very odd! will check ti out right now!
  8. you can only empty a log basket in the bank, how are you going to use that to increase planks/h?
  9. the rod is equipped right? how can it use earth runes on it? Will check it!
  10. Should be instant, will check it out if anything changed
  11. The script itself should not lose many items a box trap is like 50 gp ^^ There is always a chance of losing items with client crashes or if a bot manager forces to close a client, where you lose placed traps So if I were you I would buy a decent amount to be safe, else you will be restarting bots right and left all the time, which is even more annoying.
  12. working on some changes and overhaul of some interaction events that should fix a lot of things. Also added more teleports like basalts, glory and dramen staff the way the banking works arm is also going to change slightly and should be a lot more stable. hoping to get these changes and fixes online tomorrow or by Saturday. there is also a new client version coming that includes some pathing updates. sorry for the inconvenience!
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