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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. make sure you are on fixed screen mode and zoomed out so it can see everything else it will waste too much time rotating camera
  2. Haven't notived this, not even sure how she gets you gear tbh
  3. Will have to check this out, since when does he hold gear?
  4. Ya it works with giant seaweeds, it will pick it up after a few casts
  5. Will take a look at this and see how it works
  6. coudl be bad luck or just the change of behaviour from playing legit and swapping to a bot client to bot. If you use mirror mode that risk is gone, banns shouldn't happent hat fast anyways
  7. There aren't any known issues, works just fine for everyone atm Try to restart your client or post some pictures if it still happends
  8. What I usually do is check if you can reach a position behind the door. getmap().canreach(), if so, walk inside, if not get the door object and interact with it
  9. uses salve graveyard teleports and ring of duelings
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