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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You have to add the first acc of your list to osbot and use that one to auto login. The rest of the list will be done by the script whenever the previous acc is done
  2. You just paste them in or what exactly do you mean?
  3. Enjoy! Sure does Make sure to resize the original client smaller than the game client to make it work with mirror at the start
  4. So it's your choice what you prefer doing Stock up a bunch of glories or have a house with a mounted glory
  5. Enjoy the trial! there isn't anything special for lower or higher lvls, just don't select the upper level areas
  6. There is not much I or you can do about it, just some dodgy mirror client that's slow once in a while... Solution: Stop using mirror and you won't get strange things like this or be happy with mirror and some strange tweaks once in a while
  7. You won't get banned for sitting in the bank, that's just afking. You are missing an item most likely, hard to tell if you are not showing any screenshots.
  8. - Ya I warned people here about missing the boat if you don't spamm click the ramp, but they didn't like that - I will take a look at that! - You could enable to only attack monsters, helps a lot for lower lvls usually No trials on this script
  9. No trials on this script
  10. That's correct, that's why people use a mounted glory if you don't wanna buy tons of them... For the recharge spell you need heroes quest done, should be a lot easier to get a mounted glory if you ask me
  11. So what's the status of the script? screenshot? What mode are you trying?
  12. it does not recharge them, use house teleport with a mounted glory then
  13. You already have an expired woodcutting trial
  14. like 30 min would be more than enough
  15. Not much I or you can do about it... for some people mirror doesn not like crowded places and just runs out of memory and freezes. Noboyd knows why, has been reported tons of times before I don't have aqccess to an acc with this item at this point, so I won't be abel to add it until then
  16. Working just fine for me, tried on 3 accs Enjoy!
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