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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Glad you figured it out, might also ahve to do with where you start osbot from. Because it tried to save some data in the osbot folder but got denied access to it
  2. Show some screenshots where the acc is located at that point and what the script status is. Else it's really hard to tell what it's trying to do
  3. Bailing is only possible when there is too much water int he boat, which doesn't happen every game... Or it will go afk if you selected the option Human idle and AFK once it has enough contribution points.
  4. Comon issues on mirror mode sadly, fixed by: - Make sure you don't run multiple bots doing the same rooftop in the same client, split them up - Restart your client when it starts skipping the marks
  5. You should not execute any siuch heavy code that interacts with the game in the onStart method. It's mainly for initlializing execute(webwalkevent);
  6. It used to be, not so sure about that anymore Enjoy!
  7. Restart your client, don't run multiple bots in 1 client and if you can don't use mirror
  8. Just take enough breaks, rest is personal choice
  9. Welcome to using mirror mode in a face paces minigame Try to restart your client to beign with
  10. Sure, I can take a look at it
  11. Yes they work just like the other worlds
  12. I can take a look at it Better off using 8 since your weight is lower and use less energy
  13. When it's idle it usually spawns max in 5 sec, so wouldn't mine much, but I can check it
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