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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy! Posting only once is fine too Enjoy!
  2. It requires stamina and super energy potions, like the logs said: "[INFO][Bot #1][09/07 08:21:54 PM]: Stopping script - No Super energy found in the bank"
  3. Then there is no proxy active probably
  4. Works fine for me, gets called everytime a new tick starts @Override public void onGameTick() { log("test"); }
  5. Next version is not released yet, trying to get it online later today
  6. I have never heard that in 5 years of the script being online and nothing changed to that part for years … can you grab me a gif or a short video about it so I can actually see that happening?
  7. That mode has nothing to do with that. It doesn't spamm click while it's stunned at all
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