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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Is it working properly for you?
  2. I will check it out and make a more detailed report He is walking on a walker, which uses the osbot webwalker I believe The issue lies with the action on the NPC, webwalker using Pay-fare which is outdated. (Brimhaven / Rimmington atm) The correct details have been send to Patrlck and will be fixed in next client release ^^
  3. You are a better dancer than I thought !
  4. It doesn't use prayer pots as it would be a complete waste ^^ Never heard of that since the release... but will check it out
  5. Holy wrench is usefull when using prayer pots or super restores, No use when using a altar right? Bome crusher could be a thing, but this isn;t going to be super usefullf or prayer exp
  6. You can just run it with the cape on, aslong as they don't break it should not matter
  7. @Anne! You are back! Do not let it die!
  8. Restart it, else give us more info what the exact issue is
  9. Has been disabled due to super high ban rates, will revisit this again soon to see if this is still the case
  10. Just a restart should fix it if it's the first time running it
  11. Just stop the script if you are going to move it and restart it after... , the script had still an active plant sequence running when you moved it. This scenario can only happen when you ineterfere by hand
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