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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. hmm, it should do that after a run is complete
  2. Devs are working on a solution fro those jagex accounts
  3. Scripts don't dismiss randoms, you can enable that option in the client Settings button => enable Dismiss all randoms
  4. I believe @Patrick was working on a solution for this
  5. Ya should not be a problem, I added something for it should be live soon
  6. You can fish them already if you select the zul-andra option
  7. I can take a look at the Pearls rods I will also take a look at the fishing spots, I think the naming aint correct bcs of the general "Zeah" location which should have bin angler fish at pisca EDIT: Both farming guild spots and the pearl rods should be adde din V2.51 Should be live in a few hours
  8. Make sure you have java 8 installed, you can click the "Open with" options and select java if it does nto do it by default if you still have issues after that run a jarfix: https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
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