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Everything posted by jens4626

  1. Have you tried anything other than MTA? I'm pretty sure it is high ban rate, and might be the reason why you lose accounts so fast
  2. I sold mine 8 days ago, but oh well, I guess rep also counts
  3. What is wrong with you guys, I sold an account offsite like this + rock cake for 30m, 2 weeks ago lul
  4. I botted around 4-6 hours monday-friday and in the weekend more. I stopped when I got a 2-day ( Was stupid enough to bot Zulrah) but I managed to get 122 combat and almost 1900 total
  5. I'm abit confused, do they have CS:GO? If so I might be interrested
  6. I'm having a struggle getting 100
  7. So I bought a VPS some time ago, and I keep getting java overheat even when I'm running 2 bots only using 30 % CPU and got 5 GB RAM available.. I tried using -mem 1024 -Xms256m but nothing works. This is not only a problem with OSBot client, but also other bot clients. OS: Debian x86_64 Java: Oracle 8 Never had any issues on my own PC
  8. I sold a 70/70/70 2 weeks ago for 30m (inc. Almost all Quests for nmz) But thanks for the Price range I am probably going to sell it offsite, where I already got FB for Selling accounts Thanks
  9. You must be playing 20+ hours a day then, otherwise I don't know how that is possible
  10. Can you do 70/70/70 in 3 days?
  11. Looking for a price, not how long it took I'm Well aware of that
  12. Yup. Both accounts temp. banned at same time, but one of them was unbanned 1 day before the other
  13. It was a public script, but it is not on the SDN anymore because mods took it down, I believe it was called scamquit
  14. Not really true, I botted sand crabs on 2x 7 days old accounts and I got a 1 day ban and a 2 day ban, and they were not even close to be "mains"
  15. Also happens for Island 3
  16. Recieved 2x 2-day bans today. Both accounts got stuck like showed on the picture, untill break kicked in, (so about 1-2 hours clicking the same place) so a quick fix for this would be awesome still got 2 other accounts running well since they didn't get stuck
  17. Love you, that memory issue was pain in the ass
  18. As far as I know it happens when Webwalking is being used, and that is only when banking or re-agro. Also when using Island spot 3, the bot sometimes execute banking, if it hopped a few worlds without finding any free spots
  19. I'm testing out low resource mode, because I'm getting that java overheat every ~4-12 hours, so hopefully that works. But this also happend without using low resource mode, I believe happens at Island spot 5 if im not wrong E: Sadly my client crashed after 20 hours (Fuck java overheat) and didn't get screenshot but the script is running flawless My sig is bugged btw, I have been using this script on multiple accounts over the last week or so, but sadly doesn't show the correct runtime/xp
  20. My account is sometimes getting stuck when resetting, this have happend a few times before and because im testing out low resource mode (due to the client crash pretty often because of Java overheat) so you can't see the GUI or anything http://prnt.sc/egqtpa Basicly what the bot does is: When reagro, it runs to a certain location, after that it will run back using a path (I believe) sometimes it is unlucky to rotate the camera while doing at. This causes the bot to keep spam clicking the ocean, because it haven't registered that the camera moved. Hope this is described enough
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