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About jens4626

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  1. A bit messy startup tbh. It doesn't have a save/load, and first time starting going to the altar it will open the logout interface. But once it detects a PKer it will try open the world hopper instead = 100 % death upon script start. E: I'm gonna stop using it after so 2 deaths already. 1. Upon level up it will get 1 prayer point, and the script will enable project from magic just for that 1 prayer point lol - in this time it will be more vunerable to pkers. 1a. Why even use project magic in the first place? The script doesn't even support food, and doesn't run away from pkers, so why use mouse movements on it? 2. You should add option to shuffle world. Pkers realised that the script world current world +1 so its easy to track again. Really outdated script I would say.
  2. All accounts comes with nmz questline, avas quest, regicide quest, and have done magic arena. All accounts only comes with untradeables. All accounts have quashed bans from 2016-2022. Some accounts will be sold with membership - it will be showing at the account. I am OO on all accounts. I'm not that active on forum so feel free to contact me on discord: Jens#6857 Account 1: SOLD Account 2: SOLD Account 3: This account has zulrah pet Account 4: SOLD This account will come with 14 days membership Account 5: This account has zulrah pet + 14 days membership Account 6: This account will come with 14 days membership Account 7: SOLD This account will come with 14 days membership Account 8: This account has zulrah pet + 14 days membership Account 9: SOLD Account 10: SOLD This account will come with 14 days membership Account 11: SOLD Account 12: Upcoming zulrah account. Already done all regicide questline, nmz quests with rock cake, avas and got ma 2 cape! Ready to be leveled up in nmz!
  3. 1. OSRS Script Factory Pro Edition 2. Khal Tempoross 3. Khal Undead Druid 4. Perfect Fighter 5. KO Crazy Archy
  4. jens4626


    I believe I used the anti crash. Sadly I received 2 temp bans, on 2 / 4 accounts. Might be because of this script due to reports from crashing people due to a lot GIM at ammonites. Would it be possible to have the script use custom tile for resetting?
  5. I have an account with 99 agility but it got a temp (2 day) ban. Would that be something for you?
  6. jens4626


    Another thing I notice is that it onlys attacks crabs that are wandering, when there is a person around. Could you also add so it attacks wandering crabs after 15 seconds even though, no other persons are around? Because it sometimes takes quite a while before the wandering crabs despawns, and there a lot of time wasted, before it begins to get xp? This example there is one that isn't wandering, but sometimes you can be unlucky and all are wandering: https://imgur.com/a/pG4Odj3
  7. jens4626


    Currently a world hop takes 1 minute each world because it have to run all the way to reagro area, and then hop world and walk all the way back. If spot is taking it will do it again over and over. So I do really believe it is necessary to fix it. Please do let me know once this has change, cause I will stop using it untill it have been changed.
  8. jens4626


    I just started using the script, and I am a bit surprised of how not efficient the script is doing ammonite crabs. I have a few things I really do hope you would like to do something about. 1. When at North East spot B I notice that when I have selected "Hop when crashed" it will hop world if someone just walks nearby the spot, and therefore have to hop really often. 2. The next thing is that it has to reset agro every time it gets crashed. Why not just walk 5 tiles away, and hop world, instead of 30-50 tiles, then hop world and if that world is taken, it will have to wall all the way back again.. 3. North West spot B is the same issue, so I assume its just simply not that decent at world hopping. I really really hope this is something you will look into asap..
  9. jens4626

    Stealth Quester

    Dwarf Cannon fails to inspect railing Mirror mode https://pastebin.com/tzWik75i another bug it wont take the remains, just stands there. https://pastebin.com/9wbLYFhB Another bug: [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: running quest: Dwarf Cannon; current stage: 7 [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: using toolkit on broken multicannon [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: walking to position [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: destination: [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:04 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: position: [x=2566, y=3460, z=0]; next: Dwarf Cannon; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: running quest: Dwarf Cannon; current stage: 7 [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: using toolkit on broken multicannon [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: walking to position [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: destination: [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: position: [x=2566, y=3460, z=0]; next: Dwarf Cannon; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: running quest: Dwarf Cannon; current stage: 7 [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: using toolkit on broken multicannon [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: walking to position [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: destination: [x=2566, y=3460, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:05 PM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:13 PM]: position: [x=2565, y=3461, z=0]; next: Dwarf Cannon; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:13 PM]: running quest: Dwarf Cannon; current stage: 7 [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:30 PM]: position: [x=2565, y=3461, z=0]; next: Dwarf Cannon; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:30 PM]: running quest: Dwarf Cannon; current stage: 7 [INFO][Bot #1][11/04 07:45:44 PM]: position: [x=2565, y=3461, z=0]; next: Dwarf Cannon; queue: 3; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
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