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Im a Noob99

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Wayyy too much time is going to be put into the account to get the return.. but around 250m. would be a lot more if yo uwere trusted. Also.. depending on how much 43 prayer will add to your combat, you should probably invest in it. Due to people being able to 1 hit you no matter what at 50 comb.
  2. I work for Sysm services I'll do it for 6m jake.dependent is my skype
  3. This.. If you were more trusted it would be a lot higher, I'd imagine.
  4. Add me on Skype jake.dependent we can go through sysm's services as I work for him
  5. Ayyy I can't tell if you mean you do..... or she does... hmmm
  6. Added you and speaking Pretty sure you're going to use me.
  7. Have you tried going into your setting of your account, not the phone itsslf, but the account associated with the phone?
  8. What position(s) are you applying for?: Quester/Leveler Experience?: I worked with a guy (can't even remember his name) about a year ago and did about 10 orders through him. I have great RS experience though as I have played for a good 10-12 years. Do you agree to pay a deposit fee?: Yes I do, we will talk about how much I'm going to deposit. What are your special skills?: I am a very good people person. I am a 3rd year college student, so I feel my academics is very high. There will be no unprofessional-ism from me and I will handle the customer very well. I am a very patient person and nothing bothers me to the point of flame. I am very calm and will work with the customer much more than other candidates. Why should I chose you over another candidate?: I believe I am a very mature individual and I will work hard for your service. I will give your service nothing but good reputation and try to be the best that I can be. Do you agree to pay a 15% service fee for every order?: Yes of course. What times are you free?: I work about 4 days a week but can be on for about 5 hours per night. On the weekends and Friday it can be all day, though. Have you added my skype?: Yes, I have. Do you agree to the ToS above?: Of course.
  9. how much for the miner/fisher EDIT: SORRY I THOUGHT HE WAS SELLING It'S A PRICE CHECK, MB! :P
  10. Love it, now get the hell off my thread, thanks.
  11. I need to say "MC Sport" In a cool text with Red/Black/Grey/White coloring and a cool background. No pictures just the name, THANKS GUYS! I would really appreciate it WILL PAY IN GP IF NICELY DONE
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