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  1. godssent2

    Fruity NMZ

    It might be normal I'm not sure, but for 25 mins of run time it has gone through 3x super ranging potions. Just seems a bit excessive to me. (90 range).
  2. godssent2

    Fruity NMZ

    Any reason why this drinks through super range potions like it's going out of fashion? Is there a set point the script decides to dose up on a range pot?
  3. Bought the script, works perfectly. As said above if anybody has had chance to mess around with different setups and wouldn't mind sharing them that would be awesome
  4. Quite often when bank fishing at shilo village using the hop world feature. The bot will hop to a new world and get stuck if there is no available areas to fish near on that newly selected world. After pausing and playing the script hops worlds and the same happens again, gets stuck and I have to manually pause and start the script (This generally happens 2/3 times) before the script functions normally for a while.
  5. godssent2

    Fruity NMZ

    As others have said, broken AF right now. Gets stuck trying to grab overloads and the bot constantly running back to the set location is pretty bot like as well. Surely just letting it work via auto retaliate is the easiest thing to do?
  6. Bump, back online and still buying 100m
  7. Heading off for tonight, unexpected family visit, will be on tomorrow! (Still buying tomorrow)
  8. Hi guys, Im buying 100M OSRS gold for £103 Via Paypal. I have lost all faith with G2A after they wrongfully cancelled my transaction and banned my account "For suspicious activity". I have tried every possible way to contact them to tell them this was a wrongful ban and would they reverse the temporary ban placed on my account. Five days later I am now giving up and asking any big trusted seller on this website to sell me gold via direct paypal. Check my verification and you'll see I bought 100m recently the same way. If you are trusted I will of course go first. Thanks!
  9. No its how people accept Paypal on most big gold selling website (Most of the big people on here use it). The transaction forwards through G2A ID
  10. Has anybody else ever had problems purchasing through G2A ID? Went to purchase some OSRS gold today, transaction went through, got to the pending stage of my paypal, Then 15 minutes later I get emailed saying the transaction was cancelled and my paypal email is now banned from purchasing through G2A ID? My paypal account is clean, complete and all details are / were correct upon buying the gold. Just seems odd how I've never had ANY problems up until trying to pay through G2A ID and wondering if anybody else has had this problem with them.
  11. Could I get another trial? Was busy this week and didn't see you replied. Cheers!
  12. Is this script suitable for rune ore mining? Such as in the wilderness? If you were to die does it go back to the area?
  13. Can I have a trial first? Will test it and see if its working
  14. Before I purchase this script, has the text been fixed for the Demon butler issue?
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