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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Freak

  1. Freak


    You are just one of those guys that talk and get into awkward situations by being so unfunny, and instead of stopping you just keep talking and talking. I am 100% sure that the previous post was a joke. I am genuine serious about the next sentence and do not mean to offend: Are you autistic? If you are then I am truly sorry about my posts and I'll get a mod to remove them.
  2. Freak


    You are literally too stupid to insult.
  3. +2 You should be banned for posting this since you obviously think that scamming is okay?
  4. Freak


    Played some really weird drinking games, but one was spin the bottle and I made out with like 12 chicks and chicks were making out with chicks and my dick was making out with chicks and dick was making out with dicks, and urghhh. It was good.
  5. Freak


    I think I'm getting a life. I've been out with my friends 4 times in 3 days and one involved going into town until 4 in the morning with like 60 people from school. How do I get out of this?
  6. Yeah but I got a spot on the about me section
  7. No its alot of items that are expensive but hard to sell like d ammys and ROW ect
  8. Its a crap tonne of items but I meant I will trade it to the acc and alch it myself on your account
  9. Need someone who has 55 mage on their account so I can high alch my unwanted bank which is worth quite a bit. I provide all the runes act and it will be done 100% legit. EDIT: I WILL LOG ONTO YOUR ACCOUNT AND ALCH IT MYSELF
  10. He has also yet to reply to my messages as well.
  11. I would like to provide @Tyler with a bond for free, as I do not feel like @Smart is responsible for all this.
  12. So basically I was setting up for this party tomorrow and some friends are coming back to mine for an after party. So anyways, takes me like 3-4 hours to set everything up, and then I suddenly get told by my friends its next week not this week. So Im pretty bummed and take everything down, only to be told that it is infact tomorrow. Long story short, how do I kill 5 people with out anyone knowing.
  13. I wonder how mad he is right now.
  14. I am creating a 1 def pure, I want 52 prayer but dont know what quests to do, I was wondering if any of you guys have a list?
  15. Looks awesome, but what song please.
  16. http://services.runescape.com/m=news/character-name-clean-up?jptg=ia&jptv=community_news
  17. Guys, those have to be the cleanest desktops ever. When my desktop gets full I just shove them all into one file and put them in my documents.
  18. You on about inactive accounts having their display names released right?
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