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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Freak

  1. I will be using my xbox controller on my Pc, I just want to see if my PC can handle it.
  2. With either MW3/BO2/Ghosts on? Just for like an hour. I have over 75 feedback and will not change anything, I just would like to see if I prefer it to Xbox gaming and will ultimately decide whether I sell my xbox. Thanks
  3. Wow thanks guys, the feedback is amazing
  4. since when did SOTW winners get a blue name?
  5. I want to buy AIO hunter but I dont want to have to repay for it if OsBot2 gets released in like 2 weeks, whats the deal with payments?
  6. I have only been scripting a few hours but here is what I used for my door. Entity Door = objects.closest("Door"); if(Door != null && Door.exists()) { camera.toEntity(Door); }
  7. Thank you very much! One quick question, if the door isn't visible how do I rotate the camera to the entity?
  8. if(Door.exists()){ How do I check if a door is visible?
  9. You can do it an easier way by just creating a rectangle around the clickable area and allowing right click on the option. I only started yesterday but since the menus do not change in shape or size (unless and update) then rectangles are the best way forward.
  10. import java.awt.Rectangle; import org.osbot.legacy.script.mouse.RectangleDestination; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area; @ScriptManifest(author="Freak",info="Mines Tin in Lumb Swamp",logo="",name="Freaky Miner", version = 0.1) public class Tin extends Script { private enum State { MINE, WALKTOMINE, COLLECTPICK, HOMETELE}; public static final Area Tele = new Area(3232,3209,3215,3229); public static final Area Lada = new Area(3229,3214, 3230, 3225); public static final Area Lada2 = new Area(3228,3223, 0, 0); ; public static final Position Roof = new Position(3229,3214, 2); public static final Position Roof2 = new Position(3229,3223, 2); public static final Position Roof3 = new Position(3228,3213, 2); public static final Position Roof4 = new Position(3228,3224, 2); @Override public void onStart(){ } private State getState() { if(!inventory.contains("Bronze pickaxe")){ if(Tele.contains(myPlayer())){ return State.COLLECTPICK; } }if(!Tele.contains(myPlayer())){ return State.HOMETELE; } return State.MINE; } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case COLLECTPICK: Entity Door = objects.closest("Door"); if(Door.exists()){ mouse.setSpeed(2); if(!Door.interact("Close")){ Door.interact("Open"); } } sleep(random(250,3500)); Entity Ladder = objects.closest("Ladder"); Ladder.interact("Climb-up"); if(myPlayer().getPosition().equals(Roof)){ GroundItem x = this.groundItems.closest("Bronze pickaxe"); if (x != null && x.exists()) { x.interact("Take"); } }if(myPlayer().getPosition().equals(Roof2)){ GroundItem x = this.groundItems.closest("Bronze pickaxe"); if (x != null && x.exists()) { x.interact("Take"); } }if(myPlayer().getPosition().equals(Roof3)){ GroundItem x = this.groundItems.closest("Bronze pickaxe"); if (x != null && x.exists()) { x.interact("Take"); } }if(myPlayer().getPosition().equals(Roof4)){ log("Here"); GroundItem x = this.groundItems.closest("Bronze pickaxe"); if (x != null && x.exists()) { x.interact("Take"); } } log("error"); objects.closest("Ladder").interact("Climb-up"); sleep(random(250,3500)); log("hometele"); break; case HOMETELE: tabs.open(Tab.MAGIC); Rectangle optionRect = new Rectangle(571, 238, 10, 10); RectangleDestination optionDestination = new RectangleDestination (optionRect); if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()){ mouse.move(optionDestination); mouse.click(optionDestination,false); sleep(random(300000,400000)); } break; case MINE: break; case WALKTOMINE: break; default: break;} return 0; } } gives the error [ERROR][Bot #1][06/07 12:24:04 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at Tin.onLoop(Tin.java:63) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ri:145) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  11. Thank you very much!
  12. I finished all my exams and I am now wanting to learn to create some OsBot scripts. I created a few OSB1 scripts but I was wondering if anyone could aid me in created some OSB2 scripts. I dont want crazy 24/7 observation just a few scripters who are willing to answer some questions as and when I need them.
  13. You now need to request a post count reset so you can start from fresh.
  14. Yes you have 1337 virginities. You will need to have sex 1338 times until you are not a virgin because you are just that lonely.
  15. Bought package 2. This has got to be without a doubt the best customer service I have ever received. Keep up the awesome work man!
  16. I hope you apologised to Vanilla Ice.
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