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About Satan

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    The Netherlands

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  1. My family was on holiday. So I didn't get to celebrate it.
  2. Your sugestion sounds good to me, and there will be a nice amount of winners this way.
  3. 1 - Khal AIO Agility (Already bought it) Khal Wintertodt 2 - OSRS Script Factory Pro Edition 3 - Khal Tempoross 4 - Perfect Blast Furnace 5 - Perfect Runecrafting GL all
  4. I didn't post proof of voting for the contest in the original thread so I missed out on the other 100$ but i'll give this a try.
  5. This looks great, could i get Auth to test the script?
  6. This script looks realy good. Could I get a trial to test it?
  7. I'd like to see it. i followed your botting thread and this one in the past. would be great to see more from you. But if it's a method that can crash real quick if a few more bots are added. you shouldn't share it.
  8. This is fixed! API returned something unexpected. Thanks all.
  9. Getting the same error
  10. I put the full code in the OP now. Did change what the script collects but the banking and walking is identical. Hopefully y'all can help.
  11. final private Area shelfArea = new Area(3087, 3251, 3094, 3255);
  12. Thanks for replying! Except how would this explain the log message at the top of the onLoop() not printing? It is not inside another block or anything.
  13. Thanks again, but yes I do checks before calling any method and there are null checks troughout the script, also if there were to be a NPE it would log it to the console i believe.
  14. Hey, thanks for replying. It always gets to where it needs to be, and logs: "WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition!" in the console. weirdly enough that is also the last method being called before it stops and just stands there. Even after restarting the script it does not seem to do anything now, where as before it did. Note that i didnt change anything in the script.
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