Sorry to say, but it's my time to leave.
I've met a ton of wonderful people here, and it saddens me greatly to leave. I just need to focus on school, and I have some health issues that are starting to become more apparently not benign.
There are too many people to list that I've known while I was here, but please know that every single one of you has a special place in my heart.
My time during staff has been wonderful, and got more and more fun while I was on it. The staff team here really does work hard, regardless of what people think. A lot goes on in the background that most of you don't see.
I'll still have my skype, as it's one of my main communication methods with a few people, so if you really need to get a hold of me feel free to try there, but I can't guarantee how quickly I'll respond.
It's been fun, everyone.
Nezz - "Nezzima"