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Trade With Caution
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Nezz last won the day on September 7 2014

Nezz had the most liked content!

About Nezz

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Blackism - The study of Theft and Big Dickery.

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Adamantite Poster

Adamantite Poster (7/10)




Community Answers

  1. Do you guys sparkle like Twilight the movie or does that not come with the prebuilt theme. #JustLFThings
  2. Happy birthday auna Sad to see you leave, though. Hope all of your personal issues work out and if you need anyone to talk with I'm here. :')
  3. hi OT: I love both of u so happy u 2 r togethr ty
  4. careful I am mr steal yo gril i wil steal yo gril and put some bbq on it
  6. lol so you have express permission from every single account holder that is paying for each account? I'd like to see that. "They paid for the car, all I did was get in and drive it without them knowing. What do you mean that's against the law? If they didn't want it paid for, they wouldn't have paid for it. I can't get their credit card information from their car. What's the problem?"
  7. Why is this still open? If the credit cards are attached to the account, and they aren't yours, then you're using someone else's credit cards. That's illegal. If somehow you manage to fake the credit cards, then you're not paying for the netflix service at all. That's illegal, not to mention fraud.
  8. Thanks everyone. I'm going to close this now, and won't be opening it again until I can get everything situated. Hopefully I'll be back, I guess. Love all of you PS my name looks sexy as fuck with ex-staff. PPS rip 660 dollars.
  9. Sorry to say, but it's my time to leave. I've met a ton of wonderful people here, and it saddens me greatly to leave. I just need to focus on school, and I have some health issues that are starting to become more apparently not benign. There are too many people to list that I've known while I was here, but please know that every single one of you has a special place in my heart. My time during staff has been wonderful, and got more and more fun while I was on it. The staff team here really does work hard, regardless of what people think. A lot goes on in the background that most of you don't see. I'll still have my skype, as it's one of my main communication methods with a few people, so if you really need to get a hold of me feel free to try there, but I can't guarantee how quickly I'll respond. It's been fun, everyone. Nezz - "Nezzima"
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