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Everything posted by eleax

  1. can you add a feature especially for abyss where if you die it logs you out lol
  2. insults him then asks for business from him... gg stockholm syndrome
  3. Hows this going? Also how come not 45 def?
  4. hmm i only had one and it was called random.dat
  5. whats the diff between a ranged tank and a main (im uninformed)
  6. will using osbuddy nullify this?
  7. i found mine in my users folder
  8. where is this random.dat EDIT: found it
  9. Script writers, please read this and update your scripts accordingly: http://osbot.org/for...es-please-read/ saw this somewhere khal. i think the update broke banking
  10. so I have an account I'm making, but I used the main client for the beginning stats before I had access to mirror mode. If I only use mirror mode now which of the 2 conditions will happen? 1) the account will still be "flagged" because of its main client use, thus giving it the same ban chances as if I just continued the use of the main client. 2) the account will have a lower chance of banning because of the mirror client, but still not as low as if I ONLY used mirror client throughout the entire accounts history. I'm asking this because I've read that it is important to have only used mirror client on an account.
  11. if it doesnt launch after deleting. i was told by SaveEdit to go into my osbot folder and delete the store.dat file.. this worked for me
  12. any way you can make an energy pooling option? such as when run energy is less than 10% it will turn it off and only turn it on when in the outer abyss layer?
  13. eleax

    Won't bank.

    just noticed this... it works if i login with the mirror.. this is so weird. i wonder why this is so
  14. thats what i figured so its probably flagged as well /:
  15. so my desktop has a flagged IP. will my laptop, that has a slightly different ip as in the last two digits are different while the first 8 digits are the same, be flagged as well? my knowledge about computer related things is kinda lacking...
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