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Everything posted by IlliniGuy

  1. contact me on skype and we will discuss a price
  2. @Jowsiej does really cheap fcapes
  3. https://gyazo.com/fb110c2accb7bcedda9964f4835d9754
  4. I have a maxed melee (97 def) account with close to 1700 total on osrs if you're interested.
  5. I got 1 unbanned so far, waiting to hear back on 2 more
  6. Yup, 15 pray to be exact if my calculations are correct Which quests aren't available? And have you ever been banned using the script?
  7. Plague City Biohazard Waterfall Animal Magnetism Ernest the Chicken The Restless Ghost Priest in Peril Death Plateau The Tourist Trap (Agility reward both times) Only stats on the acc are 50 range, 18 slayer, and 39 hp. Price needs to include the cost of getting the stats needed for the quests.
  8. Campaign looks sick, can't wait to see what they have in store for multiplayer at E3
  9. Add my skype, I'll buy rn
  10. @dragonite3000 is currently completing an order of 80 tickets for me
  11. IlliniGuy

    45-60 def f2p

    I can do this for 20 gp/xp. Hit me up on skype
  12. What do you want? Mith gloves + death plateau + mountain daughter + mm1 Do you agree with the tos? Yes Do you agree with the price? Yes
  13. 195M, add my skype if interested. Will take about a month.
  14. need 9-70 hunter done by hand. Leave prices down below or message me on skype!
  15. What's the banrate like on this script?
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