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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 2.63 - Fixed fighting code, no longer gets stuck - Fixed region resetting - Fixed pathfinding Update should be live within a few hours Also, I am considering adding a loot tab, and removing some options such as minimap walking, always use cave and a bunch of others.
  2. Okay I have begun testing, so far it's working flawlessly. I need to wait until it resets region though only 5 minutes in though, gunna test up to 3 hours, and find out if there are any bugs etc, and fix them Also, guys please make sure you have auto-retaliate enabled. In the next version I will be forcing it
  3. What options did you select in the GUI?
  4. alright, does it manage to fix itself?
  5. alright no worries, I'll go make some tests
  6. Czar


    Mirror mode is VIP only, however, the way I got access to it for free, was by making a simple chicken killer script or something :P here's another proggy:
  7. Calm down man, there are a few things you are doing wrong: - don't load multiple teleport tabs in your inventory, because it glitches - it does toggle run, don't lie - enable minimap walking if you want it to go faster - don't enable too many GUI options - don't enable hopping (osbot's hopper is broken) - use the latest client you just gotta use it right, then it will work flawlessly, if you use all these extra fancy options there are chances it may mess up man. screenshot what GUI options you enabled, show me
  8. Don't enable hopping, it is temporarily bugged out
  9. Anti-pattern is legacy code, I may remove it - since OSBot's default dropping system has improved. As for rainbow fish, fixed. Update should be available within a few hours. In the meantime, salmon/trout is also good xp @Bravo, nice 40 hour proggy, bravo bravo :P i'm glad you guys are enjoying the script
  10. Czar


    thank you for this post, guys, if you are overly worried about bans, just use mirror mode. If not, then go ahead and bot, as long as you bot smart, nothing will go wrong. Yes, the standard client is being detected, however I'm still surprised at the 100 hour non-mirror progress report by @Muffins, because that type of proggy is more suited toward mirror mode, but he managed to get it without mirror mode. I just don't want to scare away the non-mirror users :P so there is still hope for you non-mirror folk ;D edit: although if you were to ask me personally, I would go for the mirror mode 100 times over. I've gotten 33-86 ranged botting 24/7 with no breaks (using mirror) on a fresh, botlike character: and so far so good.
  11. waterbirth will be worked on some more, at the moment it's still experimental and may cause issues edit: east works fine for now, in fact i'll go ahead and make some changes to waterbirth now
  12. Hmm when I added them, a user suggested I set the area there, however if you want to chop in a custom area you can always select it in the GUI, since I fixed the image now As for the error, I have fixed it, it will now bank upstairs in the gnome bank near the trees. Update for the bank is now fixed (path updates are instant)
  13. Show me a screenshot and the console log, and I will fix it asap
  14. reminds me of the osbot mouse trail debug nevertheless, good job edit: nvm ^ my post was too l8
  15. for real though, I would probably work for a software company or something, (if i don't already have a business )
  16. Fixed, should be live in the next version (within a few hours)
  17. what seems to be the problem, take a screenshot and show me the console log, and I will fix it ASAP. @blue, screenshot your inventory please, and show it here
  18. The script works best with the least amount of options enabled in the GUI, so if you have any fancy options and are experiencing problems, turn them off and try again. If it still doesn't work, paste the console log here and I will fix ASAP
  19. Player p = getPlayers().closest(playerName); // .. p.interact("Attack"); make sure to add the necessary checks, I'm only showing the core process. It's the same as any other <code>Entity</code>
  20. yes and yes, both will be added right now, and ty
  21. alright, i will make some minor changes to the dialogue interfaces, ty
  22. Are you using the latest client, if so, can you give me some more information? Be as detailed as possible and I will fix it ASAP
  23. Hmm, get rid of the bronze arrows maybe it will solve it :P
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